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"It does look kindy cruel to drag down a handsome buck and cut his glossy throat; and see a harmless fawn spout blood, and strangle and die; and I used to shut my eyes when I bit a pigeon's neck, and took little quails' heads off; but now I can do't without winkin'; and as for them infarnal bears, I'd ruther kill 'em than to eat. And you'll have to kill 'em, if you want any corn."

"Yes," said Meredith. "That is about it. I would go myself " "God bless you! I know you would!" burst in Joseph. "You'd go like winkin'. There's no one knows that better nor me, sir; and what I says is like master, like man. Game, sir game it is! I'll go. I'm not the man to turn my back on a pal a a partner, sir, so to speak."

Ye see, cap'ns, they don't see women as men do ashore. They don't have enough of 'em to get tired on 'em; and every woman's an angel to a sea-cap'n. Anyway, the cap'n he took her into his cabin, and he sot her a chair, and was her humble servant to command, and what would she have of him? And we was all a winkin', and a nudgin' each other, and a peekin' to see what was to come o' it.

"You'll be gettin' wise to all the inside deals now, eh?" says he, winkin' foxy. "And maybe we might work off something together. Yes?" "Sure!" says I. "I'll come down every noon with the office secrets and let you peddle 'em around Broad street from a pushcart. Gwan, you parrot-beaked near-broker! Why, I wouldn't trust tellin' you the time of day!" Izzy grins like I'd paid him a compliment.

Mun Bun held on to the string and as he slowly pulled it up he caught sight of the crab. As the little fellow had said, it was a big one, and one of the claws was "winkin'" at him. By that Mun Bun meant the crab was opening and closing his claw as one opens and closes an eye. "Hold him under water, Mun Bun, or he'll let go and drop off," called Daddy Bunker.

She's mighty old an' strenuous now, Dicey is, an' she thinks because she was present at Sonny's birth an' before it, thet she's privileged to correct him for anything he does, and we've always indulged her in it, an' thess ez soon as she knowed what was brewin' 'twix' him an' Mary Elizabeth, why, she took her into the same custody, an' it's too cute for anything the way the little girl takes a scoldin' from her thess winkin' at Sonny an' me while she receives it.

He answered with attempt at jocularity, "Lucius is this minute winkin' at me over the soup-tureen." As they took seats at the table Mrs. Gilman exclaimed, "Why, dearie, where did you dig up that old waist?" "Will it do to visit Sibley in?" "No indeed! I should say not. When you go back there I want you to wear the best you've got. They'll consider it an insult if you don't."

Them fellers will swaller a falsehood as fast as a turkey does a grasshopper; take it right down whole, without winkin'.

"Confound him! if he'd a said he'd only leave a little drop, it would a been more like the thing; for he e'en a'most emptied the whole into the cup, and drank it off clean, without winkin'. "'It's a "very refreshin' time," sais I, 'ain't' it? But he didn't make no answer.

"Happy?" sez Hank Midders, "Happy what?" "Happy Hawkins," sez Bill. "Haven't you never heard o' Happy Hawkins?" "Happy Hawkins is down in the Texas-Pan Handle," sez I, in a matter-o'-fact voice. "Don't forget that, Bill." "Surest thing there is," sez Bill, winkin'. "I seen him get on the train myself." "When will supper be ready, Frenchy?"