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Updated: August 16, 2024

"Poor lilly Lally!" cried he, in a voice that betrayed his anxiety. "O Mass' Ben! fo' de lub o' Gorramity, swum to de right, round dat away, an' let me git 'tween you an de ravenin' beast. To de right! da's de way. Do yer bess, Mass' Brace, an' gi' me time get up. I take care o' de lubber ef I once get im widin reach o' dis chile's arm." The injunction thus uttered had the desired effect.

"Musha, good people, can ye tell me is Frank Farrell at home?" "Why, thin, he's not jist widin now, but he'll be here in no time entirely," replied one of his daughters. "Won't you sit down, honest man, an' we'll sind for him." "I'm thankful to you," said Owen. "I'll sit, sure enough, till he comes in."

"Mother of glory, what's this! But, wait, let me rap agin. Kathleen, Kathleen! are you widin, avourneen? Owen Alley arn't ye widin, childhre? Alley, sure I'm come back to you all!" and he rapped more loudly than before. A dark breeze swept through the bushes as he spoke, but no voice nor sound proceeded from the house; all was still as death within.

Sam ran along till he got widin about thirty yards ob de sailor, and den stole quiet along in de shadow ob de houses. Sudden he see five men run out. Den Sam he leap forward like tiger and gibs a shout to warn de captain. He turn round jus' in time. Sam saw an arm lifted and de captain fall, and den at de same moment almost him poker come down wid a crunch upon de top ob one of deir head.

I'm but a poor man, and I wouldn't begrudge a five-pound note to get widin shot of you, wherever you are." It would be idle to attempt anything like a description of M'Carthy's feelings, upon such an occasion as this. It is sufficient to say, that he almost gave himself up for lost, and began to believe, for the first time in his life, that there is such a thing as fate.

"Do you mean to say that any woman would make me afeard?" said the tailor, deliberately rising up and getting his cudgel. "I'll thank you merely to go over the words agin till I thrash you widin an inch o' your life. That's all." "Neal," said the schoolmaster, meekly, "I won't fight; I have been too often subdued ever to presume on the hope of a single victory.

"I know it all, sir, an' that you have thruth an rason on your side; but, sir, you never lost a wife that you loved; an' long may you be so, I pray the heavenly Father this day! Maybe if you did, sir, plase your honor, that, wid your heart sinkin' like a stone widin you, you'd thry whether or not something couldn't rise it. Sir, only for the dhrink I'd be dead."

"If the oiland isn't there, it's somewheres thereabouts, widin a few miles more or less; and we've got to find it afore the hooker turns her nose towards home. Now I hopes that's plain enough for ye." And, smiting the chart a mighty blow with his clenched fist, he turned on his heel and walked forward.

You are too great an ornament to your own creed ever to shine in ours. I happen to know your character begone." "Is Misthre Lucre widin?" asked a third candidate, whose wife accompanied him "if he is, maybe you'd tell him that one Barney Grattan wishes to have a thrifle o' speech wid his honor." "Come in," said the servant with a smile, after having acquainted his master.

"Thank goodness, he's comin' at last; I see somebody dressed in black ridin' down the upper end of Tim Marly's boreen, an' I'm sure an' certain it must be Denis, from his dress!" "I'll warrant it is, my colleen," replied her father; "he said he'd be here before the dinner would be ready, an' it's widin a good hour of that. I'll thry myself."

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