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Let me listen to your wonderful eloquence!" "Oh, Philip!" said Marie, clasping his arms, "you see it will all be in vain." "Let me hope to succeed in awakening a spark of loving mercy, as Moses caused the fountain to gush from the rock. A year since you turned me insultingly from your door, Frau von Werrig, and you forbade me with scorn and contempt to ever cross your threshold.

"Oh, my beloved children, there you are at last; after three years' absence I have the happiness to embrace you, my only daughter," cried Frau von Werrig, as she approached them with outstretched arms and an affectionate smile, essaying to throw her arms around Marie's neck, who waved her back.

I cannot change it, and I repeat, Frau von Werrig has not the right to enter this house, or to remain here any longer!" Scalding tears fell from the mother's eyes as she shrieked, "She drives me from her house!" "I am only treating you as you behaved to one of the noblest and best of men," replied Marie, voice and look betraying her deep feeling.

Indeed, I will not be prevented from waiting to receive my only child that I have not seen for three years. One can well believe that a mother would be impatient to embrace her dear daughter! I have no other happiness but my beloved child, and I long, unspeakably, to press her to my heart and tell her my sorrow." "Sorrow! is it possible that Frau von Werrig has any griefs?

What makes you interrupt us?" cried the general. "Did you not remember that I have told you always not to disturb us at this hour." "Yes, general, but I thought good news was never amiss." "What have you pleasant to tell us?" harshly demanded Frau von Werrig.

"Wife," cried the General von Werrig, limping around the room, leaning upon his crutch, "here is the answer from our most gracious lord and king. The courier arrived to-day from the war department, and sent it to me by an express."

"One hundred and thirty thalers," repeated Trude, clapping her hands, astonished. "Is it true? oh, that is splendid. I shall be rich, and get a husband yet. I pray you give it to me, Frau von Werrig, right away." "Not so quickly," said she, proudly. "We will reckon together how much you have saved because "

I am glad that you are here, Frau von Werrig, that we may understand each other once for all; but you came against my wishes." "You must excuse it, dear Marie. It was the longing of mother's heart which led me hither; the love " A cold, contemptuous glance of the large eyes caused the mother to cease, and quail before her daughter.

Marie is the daughter of General Werrig von Leuthen, whose name would become extinct if the grace and favor of the king had not prevented it, by permitting the husband whom we have chosen for our daughter to take our name, and therewith become our son.

"Leberecht told me my mistress called me." "Why do you then look so furious, and what are you seeking on the table?" asked Frau von Werrig. "My money," cried Trude, vehemently. "I thought that you called me to pay me, and that my wages were all counted out on the table. But I see there is nothing there, and I fear I shall get none, and be poor as a church-mouse all my life long.