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Updated: August 13, 2024

My good Servant, He has some frends left yet and powerfull ones That can doe more then weepe for him as we doe; Those I will strayt sollicite. In the meane time, That to his comfort he may know so much, Endeavour thou to have this simple present As from thy self sent to him. Serv. I will hazard All that can fall upon me to effect it. Enter Provost & Guard. Pro. What makes this fellow here?

This woman, this matrone, this forsaken Heraclide, hauing buried fourteene children in fiue dayes, whose eyes she howlingly closed, and caught many wrinckles with funerall kisses: besides, hauing her husband within a day after layd forth as a comfortlesse corse, a carrionly blocke, that could neither eate with her, speak with her, nor weepe with her, is she not to be borne withall though her bodie swells wyth a tympanie of teares, though her speach be as impatient as vnhappy Hecubaes, though her head raues and her braine doates?

What fondnesse is it to carke and care so much, at that instant and passage from all exemption of paine and care? As our birth brought us the birth of all things, so shall our death the end of all things. Therefore is it as great follie to weepe, we shall not live a hundred yeeres hence, as to waile we lived not a hundred yeeres agoe. "Death is the beginning of another life."

Now daye was gone, and night was come, And all were fast asleepe, All save the Lady Emeline, Who sate in her bowre to weepe: And soone she heard her true Love's voice Low whispering at the walle, Awake, awake, my dear Ladye, 'Tis I thy true love call Which is thus tricked out and dilated;

A good play I find it, and the actors most good in it; and pretty to hear Knipp sing in the play very properly, "All night I weepe;" and sung it admirably. The whole play pleases me well: and most of all, the sight of many fine ladies among others, my Lady Castlemayne and Mrs. Middleton: the latter of the two hath also a very excellent face and body, I think.

Why, I might be your Father by my age, which is falne on me in my old Mrs service; he would have used me better. Y. M. Dost weepe, old Crocodile? looke dost see this sword. Alex. Oh, I beseech you, sir; goe to; what meane you?

Had a rude Scythian, ignorant of teares, Unlesse the wind enforcd them from his eyes, Heard this relation, sure he would have wept; And yet I cannot. Tho. The streame that, like a Crocodile, did weepe Ore them whom with an over ravenous kisse Its moyst lips stifled, will record your fault In watery characters as lastingly As iff twere cut in marble. Heaven, forgive you; Ile pray for you; repent.

Up by break of day, and got to Brampton by three o'clock, where my father and mother overjoyed to see me, my mother, ready to weepe every time she looked upon me. After dinner my father and I to the Court, and there did all our business to my mind, as I have set down in a paper particularly expressing our proceedings at this court.

In the Bellman of London, 1640, there is another description of him 'He sweares he hath been in Bedlam, and will talk frantickely of purpose; you see pinnes stuck in sundry places of his naked flesh, especially in his armes, which paine he gladly puts himselfe to; calls himself by the name of Poore Tom; and coming near anybody, cries out, 'Poor Tom's a cold. Of these Abraham men, some be exceeding merry, and doe nothing but sing songs, fashioned out of their own braines; some will dance; others will doe nothing but either laugh or weepe; others are dogged, and so sullen, both in looke and speech, that spying but a small company in a house, they bluntly and boldly enter, compelling the servants, through fear, to them what they demand.

'Youth, with thee my heart is fledde, Come back to the 'golden Hedde! Wilt not? yet this token keepe Of hir who doeth thy goeing weepe. Gyf the world prove harsh and cold, Come back to 'the Hedde of gold." "The little dove!" purred Denys. "The great owl! To go and risk her good name thus. However, thank Heaven she has played this prank with an honest lad that will ne'er expose her folly.

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