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"Come, come, say tu, not the formal vous," replied the Minister, clasping his old friend's hand. "The poor lancer killed no one but himself," he added, with a thunderous look at Hulot d'Ervy. "How much have you had?" said the Comte de Forzheim to his brother. "Two hundred thousand francs."

We were yet at the door, when the same individual came running forth and cast himself on the neck of Antonio. He was a good-looking young man, apparently about five and twenty, genteelly dressed, with a Montero cap on his head. Antonio looked at him for a moment, and then with a Ah, Monsieur, est ce bien vous? shook him affectionately by the hand.

Partly from economy, partly from a desire not to waste the precious time, I often, in those days, restricted my midday meal. I would buy myself, at a provision dealer's, a large veal or ham pie and eat it in my room, instead of going out to a restaurant. One day Victorine surprised me at a meal of this sort, and exclaimed horrified: "Comment? vous vous nourrissez si mal!"

"Do you mean offer him my child?" She laughed at the intonation. "There you are once more vous autres! If you're shocked at the idea you place drolement your delicacy. I'd offer mine to the son of a chimney-sweep if the principal guarantees were there. Nanda's charming you don't do her justice. I don't say Mr.

"It's because I've been very busy." "You don't work in the evening, do you?" "I study in the evening." "What do you study, Dick?" "French, for one thing." "Can you speak French?" "A little. Not much." "I'm going to try you 'Comment vous portez-vous, monsieur?" "'Très bien, mademoiselle. Et vous?" "That's right," said Ida, gravely. "I can't talk much yet myself. Who teaches you?"

I had not been presented myself; so turning about to her, he did it just as well, by asking her if she had come from Paris? No: she was going that route, she said. Vous n'etes pas de Londres? She was not, she replied. Then Madame must have come through Flanders. Apparemment vous etes Flammande? said the French captain. The lady answered, she was. Peut etre de Lisle? added he.

If we wish to do good to men we must pity and not despise them. We must learn to say of them, not "What fools!" but "What unfortunates!" The pessimist or the nihilist seems to me less cold and icy than the mocking atheist. He reminds me of the somber words of "Ahasverus:" "Vous qui manquez de charite, Tremblez a mon supplice etrange: Ce n'est point sa divinite, C'est l'humanite que Dieu venge!"

'J'ai eu l'honneur de faire connaitre au Roi, mon auguste Souverain, les importans services que vous avez rendus a Son Gouvernement pendant les graves evenemens qui ont afflige la ville de Genes et l'empressement efficace avec lequel vous avez puissamment seconde Mr le General de La Marmora pour y ramener l'ordre.

Then an old French song tempted her voice by its very appropriateness to the situation "Que vous me coûtez cher, mon coeur, pour vos plaisirs." But there was a knot in her throat, she could not sing, she could hardly speak. She endeavoured to lead her father into conversation, hoping he might forget her conduct until it was too late for him to withdraw into resentment.

"Oh, they don't come for economy," I answered. "They must be rich." "They don't come for my beaux yeux for mine," said M. Pigeonneau, sadly. "Perhaps it's for yours, young man. Je vous recommande la mere." I reflected a moment. "They came on account of Mr. Ruck because at hotels he's so restless." M. Pigeonneau gave me a knowing nod. "Of course he is, with such a wife as that a femme superbe.