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Updated: August 5, 2024

When she reached the door, she stood for a moment on the threshold, and, putting her hand over her eyes, shouted "Annie!" But, apparently startled at the sound of her own voice where the unhearing dead had so lately passed, she let the end of the call die away in a quaver, and, without repeating it, set off to find the missing child by the use of her eyes alone.

And then I emptied the rotten girl's clothes out and hid them and the top-hatted tray I just put it on a chair near, and I got into the basket, and I lifted the tray up over my head and sat down and fitted it down over me it's got webbing bars, you know, across it. And none of you would ever have thought of it, let alone doing it." "I should hope not," Dora said, but H.O. went on unhearing.

And Laure lay upon the bed, sometimes wildly delirious, sometimes a dreadful statue of stone, unhearing, unseeing, unmoving, death without death's rest, life in death's bonds of iron. But while Mère Giraud wept, Valentin had no tears. He was faithful, untiring, but silent even at the worst.

He complained to the unhearing Spike all the way back to a dressing station, though twice refusing help to carry his load. "Mustard gas," said the surgeon. He was back there when Spike on his stretcher came violently to life. "What a dark night!" said Spike between two of the spasms that wrenched him. "Can't see your hand before your face!" "Say, you're hog fat!" grumbled Private Cowan.

Her voice rose as high as she dare lift it, but no statue could be more unhearing.

She broke off suddenly and stood before him with dropped eyelids and parted lips, so still now that she seemed to have been changed into a breathless, an unhearing, an unseeing figure, without knowledge of fear or hope, of anger or despair.

Their prey is lodged in England; and the cries of India are given to seas and winds to be blown about in every breaking up of the monsoon over a remote and unhearing ocean." More than a century was to pass before the wisest of Burke's interpreters attempted the translation of his maxims into statute.

Unhearing, unheeding, she forced her way into the glare of electric light flooding the little room beating down on to the table and its sheeted burden. Before she reached it, knowledge had dropped upon her like a mantle. Her face was grey as the one from which she drew the merciful coverings, but her eyes went fearlessly to that which she sought.

Furthermore, a remark or so which he overheard indicated that the out-of-town men were inclined to take a harsh view of the matter. And reflecting on all these things, he paddled home through the depressing wet. And the next day it rained. More and more perturbed, as the climax approached, Mr. Peaslee took his place in the jury-room, and sat there with unhearing ears.

When a prominent man dies, what a clatter of conflicting judgments contends over his grave! and how utterly he is beyond them all! Praise or blame, blessing or banning are equally powerless to reach the unhearing ear or to agitate the unbeating heart. And when one of our small selves passes out of life, we hear no more the voice of censure or of praise, of love or of hate.

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