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I've done nothing to make him," Grace exclaimed. "'Twasn't necessary that you should, 'Tis voluntary that rules in these things....Well, he has behaved very honorably, and asked my consent. You'll know what to do when he gets here, I dare say. I needn't tell you to make it all smooth for him." "You mean, to lead him on to marry me?" "I do. Haven't I educated you for it?"

You'd soon own 'twasn't ignorance in me, if you knowed what large quantities of noblemen I gets mixed up with every day. In fact 'tis thoughted here and there that I shall do very well in the world. 'Well, let us go down, said Picotee. 'Everything seems so overpowering here. 'O, you'll get broke in soon enough. I felt just the same when I first entered into society.

Thank Heaven, none of her children had their faces slit like a fire-breathing dragon, so to speak; but they were none the worse for that, maybe. No, 'twasn't every one was so quick and handy at getting rid of the young they bore strangling them in a twinkling.... "Mind what you're saying," shouted Isak. And to make his meaning perfectly clear, he added: "You cursed old hag!"

Twasn't very pleasant at first to see our dear old woods goin' off to be burned that way; but Squire Potter's folks were such good neighbors, we gained as much as we lost, and a sight more, for folks are greatly better'n trees, at least, clever folks.

"Twasn't anything to take care of you, Joe," she added, "when you were real sick, because then I knew where you were; but well, you won't ever have the measles again, I s'pose, and that's some comfort!"

"What is it you want to say? You look as if you wanted to say something." "Do I? . . . Hum. . . . Oh, 'twasn't anything special. . . . How's er how's your sister this mornin'?" "Oh, she's well. I haven't seen her so well since that is, for a long time. You've made a great hit with Sis, Jed," he added, with a laugh. "She can't say enough good things about you.

"Well, it's a pity you didn't," said Bella sharply; "just like your careless ways." Molly shook her head. "'Twasn't to be," she said. "'Twasn't for nothing that I spilt the salt twice, and dreamt of water." "The doctor says it's a bad sprain," continued Bella; "and it's likely she'll be laid up for a month. Perfect rest's the only thing."

"'Twasn't much, but after what you've said, Dicky, it was rather a coincidence, because I wired: "'Aladdin now has got his wife, Your Emperor is appeased. I think you'd better come to life: We hope you've all been pleased. "Funny how that old song came up in my head. That was fairly non-committal and encouragin'. The only flaw was that his Emperor wasn't appeased by very long chalks.

Angeline says they do." "I don't believe it," said Prudy, stoutly; "my mother told me 'twasn't true." "P'r'aps mamma doesn't wake up in the night," said Dotty, "and p'r'aps the ghosts never come where she is. Why, Prudy, they're made out o' nothing! If you stick a knife into 'em it goes right through, and don't touch their blood, for they haven't got any blood.

Dixon, no less than Evans, disapproved of those who changed their religion, but this denunciation did not seem to her to apply. "That poor child's no jumper!" she called after her antagonist; "'twasn't his fault he was born the way he was!" Evans slammed the door. Mrs. Dixon dismissed the controversy from her easy mind, looked at the clock, and laid down her knitting.