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Updated: August 14, 2024

'A slight sprain, explained the doctor. 'Nothing serious. You'll be about again in a couple of days." "I noticed you walked lame," interpolated Tuppence. Julius nodded, and continued: "'How did it happen? I asked again. He replied dryly. 'You fell, with a considerable portion of one of my trees, into one of my newly planted flower-beds. "I liked the man. He seemed to have a sense of humour.

As soon as you came into the room, I knew " Mr. Carter held up his hand. "No names, please. I'm known as Mr. Carter here. It's my cousin's house, by the way. She's willing to lend it to me sometimes when it's a case of working on strictly unofficial lines. Well, now" he looked from one to the other "who's going to tell me the story?" "Fire ahead, Tuppence," directed Tommy. "It's your yarn."

"Well, let's do it." Tommy laid his paper finally aside. "There's something of the simplicity of the truly great mind about you, Tuppence. Fire ahead. I'm listening." "To begin with," said Tuppence, "what have we to go upon?" "Absolutely nothing," said Tommy cheerily. "Wrong!" Tuppence wagged an energetic finger. "We have two distinct clues." "What are they?"

"I'd like to have a look at it sometime. No hurry. You've wasted a week" Tommy hung his head "a day or so more is immaterial. We'll deal with Miss Jane Finn first. Afterwards, we'll set to work to rescue Miss Tuppence from bondage. I don't think she's in any immediate danger. That is, so long as they don't know that we've got Jane Finn, and that her memory has returned.

You don't suppose I came up those steps haphazard and said the first thing that came into my head?" Tommy was pleased with the concluding words of this speech. His only regret was that Tuppence was not present to appreciate its full flavour. "That is true," said the working man suddenly. "Comrades, we have been betrayed!" An ugly murmur arose. Tommy smiled at them encouragingly. "That's better.

A penny is wot I pays for a share of a bed, and I s'pose as you and that ere little chap could have one all to yerselves for tuppence, and the dawg, he ud lie in for nothink. I calls tuppence uncommon cheap to be warm for so many hours." "Tuppence?" said Cecile. "Two pennies for Maurice and me and Toby. Yes, I suppose that is cheap, Jessie White.

"You can't have learnt much about us if you don't know that NOBODY KNOWS WHO MR. BROWN IS...." "You do," said Tuppence quietly. Again the colour deserted the other's face. "What makes you think that?" "I don't know," said the girl truthfully. "But I'm sure." Mrs. Vandemeyer stared in front of her for a long time. "Yes," she said hoarsely, at last, "I know. I was beautiful, you see very beautiful "

"I ain't got twenty pounds," ses Sam. "'Ow much 'ave you got?" ses his pal. Sam felt in 'is pockets, and the docker came up and stood watching while he counted it. Altogether it was nine pounds fourteen shillings and tuppence. "P'r'aps you've got some more at 'ome," ses his pal. "Not a farthing," ses Sam, which was true as far as the farthing went.

If the uniformed policeman on the neighboring beat knew what I know of your recent movements he would arrest you without ceremony, and charge you with being concerned in the murder of Mrs. Lester. Between you and Mr. Theydon, the work of my department has been hindered and burked most scandalously. Don't glare at me like that! I don't care tuppence for your millions and your social position.

"Or else it was administered in the brandy you gave her. Only three people touched that brandy you, Miss Tuppence, I myself, and one other Mr. Julius Hersheimmer!" Jane Finn stirred and sat up, regarding the speaker with wide astonished eyes. "At first, the thing seemed utterly impossible. Mr. Hersheimmer, as the son of a prominent millionaire, was a well-known figure in America.

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