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Updated: August 29, 2024

I will have my gruel a-bed," said my Lord Mohun: and limped off comically on Harry Esmond's arm. "By George, that woman is a pearl!" he said; "and 'tis only a pig that wouldn't value her. Have you seen the vulgar traipsing orange-girl whom Esmond" but here Mr. Esmond interrupted him, saying, that these were not affairs for him to know.

He's away there living on hard pan, while I'm here steadily traipsing on with you to a big pile. Remember he's my other half. Do you know how I feel? No, you can't. Say, he's as merry as I am dour. He's as fond of life, and play, and the good things of the world as I'm indifferent to 'em. He's reckless he's weak." Suddenly Jeff's eyes lit. A great passion seemed to surge through his whole body.

'I shall never rub 'em out; no, though 'tis such untidiness as I was never brought up to, I shall never rub 'em out. 'Where has Swithin gone to first? asked Viviette anxiously. 'Where does he say you are to write to him? 'Nowhere yet, my lady. He's gone traipsing all over Europe and America, and then to the South Pacific Ocean about this Transit of Venus that's going to be done there.

Where, may I ask, can one find a more high-handed tyranny of spurned authority than that? It's too funny for words!" "I cal'late you'd do some disowning, too, if he'd go traipsing round asking everybody's pardon just because he steps on a few toes now and again." "I disown him?" she asked, not able to check the rush of color to her cheeks. "Pray tell! Why "

No answer. He called again. Still no answer. A summer breeze came traipsing out of the house and engulfed him in the scent of roses. What kind of roses? he wondered. Green ones? He stepped into the hall and closed the door behind him. He made his way into the living room. The two chairs were gone, and so was the coffee table.

"I'd go myself," was her reply. "I'd trust myself to pick out things, and it might give the girls ideas to go traipsing round buying pants and men's fixings." When she was gone Maurice lay in a pleasant half-doze, smiling at the absurd old servant with her labored determination to be thought witty, and wondering at the caprices of existence.

"Indiscreet?" she repeated monotonously. "Who? "Yes you," grunted Barton. "Traipsing 'round all alone after " "But I never am alone, Mr. Barton," protested the mild little voice. "You see I always have the extra saddle, the extra railway ticket, the extra what-ever-it-is. And and " Caressingly a little gold-tipped hand reached out through the shadows and patted something indistinctly metallic.

"Sam Pardee, I'll never leave here. I'm through traipsing up and down the world with you, like a gypsy. I want a home. I want to be settled. I want to stay here. And I'm going to." "You're sure you want to stay?" "I've moved for the last time. I I'm going to plant a Burbank clamberer at the side of the porch, and they don't begin to flower till after the first ten years. That's how sure I am."

The subject, black-haired Molly Dale, rested the point of her hand-fork between two rows of ragged sailors and Johnny-jump-ups and lifted a pair of the clearest, softest blue eyes in the world in greeting to Racey Dawson. "This is a fine time for you to be traipsing in," she told him, with a smile that revealed a deep dimple in each cheek. "I thought you promised to help me weed my garden to-day."

"Still, you say they haven't got immortal souls to save, and I don't suppose they're responsible for their actions," she allows; "but as for traipsing up to those heathenish, haunted woods when all Christian folks are in bed, I don't believe in it, and neither would Mr. Beresford; but if you're set on it, I shall go with you!"

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