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And begob what was it only that bloody old pantaloon Denis Breen in his bathslippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him, unfortunate wretched woman, trotting like a poodle. I thought Alf would split. Look at him, says he. Breen. He's traipsing all round Dublin with a postcard someone sent him with U. p: up on it to take a li... And he doubled up.

"She had best begone," the lacquey answered, striding towards the applicant. "Think you my lady has time to receive traipsing wenches." "'Twas only for a moment I asked," the girl said. "I come from I would speak to her of of Sir John Oxon whom she knows." The man's face changed. It was Jenfry. "Sir John Oxon," he said. "Then I will ask her.

Right this minute they're fixing up some way to give you yore come-uppance." "Think so?" "Think so! Say, would I come traipsing out here just for my health or yores? "Seems like you know a lot about Nebraska and his gang," he cast at a venture, glancing at her sharply. "I lived with Nebraska for a while," she said, matter-of-factly, giving him a calm stare.

"Allan's the hardest man in the north not even excepting John Kars, who's got you women-folk mesmerized. Allan's been traipsing this land since two years before you were born, and that is more than twenty years ago. There's not a hill, or valley, or river he don't know like a school kid knows its alphabet. Not an inch of this devil's playground for nigh a range of three hundred miles.

And on the long summer evenings and the Sunday afternoons when her little ones needed no looking after and were traipsing about playing "whoop!" and pussy-cat in the street downstairs, Esther slipped into the wee back room, where the treasures lay, and there, by the open window, overlooking the dingy back yard and the slanting perspectives of sun-decked red tiles where cats prowled and dingy sparrows hopped, in an atmosphere laden with whiffs from a neighboring dairyman's stables, Esther lost herself in wild tales of passion and romance.