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Updated: August 2, 2024

Under cover of this traduction of the Muse I served, I kept going over and over the details of Louise Harman's plan, as the girl beside me had outlined it, bending above the smudgy sketch-book. "To make them think the flight is for Paris," she had urged, "to Paris by way of Lisieux.

For although we did ourselves promote that work of translation, since ye may read, at the beginning of every Bible, that when some palpable clouds of darkness were thought like to have overshadowed the land, after the setting of that bright occidental star, Queen Elizabeth; yet our appearance, like that of the sun in his strength, instantly dispelled these surmised mists, I say, that although, as therein mentioned, we countenanced the preaching of the gospel, and especially the translation of the Scriptures out of the original sacred tongues; yet nevertheless, we ourselves confess to have found a comfort in consulting them in the original Hebrew, whilk we do not perceive even in the Latin version of the Septuagint, much less in the English traduction."

Charles Thomas, anaesthesia, 403. Jackson, Miss Lydia, reading Carlyle, 81. Jahn, Johann, studied at Andover, 48. Jameson, Anna, new book, 131. Jesus: times mentioned, 382; a divine manifestation, 411; followers, 417; and Emerson, 419. Johnson, Samuel, literary style, 29. Jonson, Ben: poetic rank, 281; a phrase, 300; traduction, 393. Journals, as a method of work, 384. Jupiter Scapin, 207.

Some will make Christ two persons, some give him but one nature and one will; some affirming him to be only God, some only man, some made up of both, some altogether deny him. Some will have his body come from Heaven, some from the Virgin, some from the elements. Some will have our souls mortal, some immortal; some bring them into the body by Infusion, some by traduction.

Le premier volume contiendra une forte partie du fameux livre de Tocqueville sur l'ancien regime et la revolution. Le second sera, si vous le permettez, compose d'extraits de votre excellent livre, 'Francais et Anglais, traduction de M. Labouchere. "Auriez-vous la bonte de me fournir quelques dates sur votre vie et sur vos autres ouvrages, que je pourrais utiliser pour l'introduction?"

And Brutus who replies: "Yes, Cassius, and from henceforth When you are over-earnest with your Brutus He'll think your mother chides, and leave you so." Dryden confessed it also in his praises of Anne Killigrew: "If by traduction came thy mind, Our wonder is the less to find A soul so charming from a stock so good. Thy father was transfused into thy blood."

For poetry, more than all forms of literature, loses most by translation especially from Gascon into English. Villemain, one of the best of critics, says: "Toute traduction en vers est une autre creation que l'original." We proceed to give an account mostly from his own Souvenirs of the early life and boyhood of Jasmin.

"If by traduction came thy mind Our wonder is the less to find A soul so charming from a stock so good." His image is with me in its immortal youth as when, almost fifty years ago, I spoke of him in these lines, which I may venture to quote from myself, since others have quoted them before me. Thou calm, chaste scholar!

In the preface to her Traduction des Principes Mathématiques de Newton, Voltaire wrote: "Never was a woman so savante as she, and never did a woman merit less the saying, she is a femme savante.

This production is a kind of traduction, but more manageable than that kind which is commonly taught: it does not derive the soul from a soul, but only the animate from an animate, and it avoids the repeated miracles of a new creation, which would cause a new and pure soul to enter a body that must corrupt it.

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