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Beside the two traders, there were two of the latest arrivals from the outside, a policeman off duty, and young Mattison, of the surveying party, who had ridden in on a message from Graves, and was taking his time about starting back. Up north it is unfashionable to be in a hurry. Of them all only Stiffy, in his little compartment at the back, was busy. He was totting up his beloved figures.

"A score, if you like." "Totting up the average of the murder cases in which Furneaux and you have been engaged, in how many days do you count on spotting your man?" "Sometimes we never get him." "Oh, come a bit closer than that." "Generally, given a clear run, with an established motive, we know who he is within eight days." "Wednesday, in effect?" "Can't say, this time?"

Darling, but he was totting up winter greatcoats for John and Michael, with a wet towel round his head to keep his brain clear, and it seemed a shame to trouble him; besides, she knew exactly what he would say: 'It all comes of having a dog for a nurse. She decided to roll the shadow up and put it away carefully in a drawer, until a fitting opportunity came for telling her husband. Ah me!

And now do please go on totting up, and let's get these casks shifted 'fore your uncle comes back." "Well, I'm waiting, Jem," cried the lad, opening a book he had under his arm, and in which a pencil was shut. "I could put down fifty, while you are moving one." "That's all right, sir; that's all right. I only want to keep things straight, and not have your uncle rowing you when he comes back.

Thrive as the practice might, the expenses of living held even pace with it. And now, having got its cue, his brain started off again on the old treadmill, reckoning, totting up, finding totals, or more often failing to find them, till his head was as hot as his feet were cold. To-day he could not think clearly at all. Nor the next day either.

"It's sickening to think of that taxi sitting out there totting up tuppences. Come and sit on the lid of this trunk, will you?" Henry did not move from the window. Gilbert straightened himself. For a moment or two he could not see clearly because he was giddy with stooping. Then he crossed the room and took hold of Henry's arm. "Come on, Quinny," he said, pulling him towards the trunk.

It was his mistake; he had been thinking of other things, of Mercedes. He leaned back against the high desk and rested. Besides, what foolish fear to jump at fault for error, at fault of David St. Clair! He had not been near the cash drawer. It was the teller's mistake. And this time poor Jamie added up like a schoolboy, totting each figure. No thought of his Mercedes now.

But already a policeman had been sworn, and given his evidence with the decisiveness of a gramophone. "Any questions?" said the foreman, looking round the table. No one spoke. "Signify, gentlemen, signify!" cried the genial usher, and all but Mr. Clarkson held up a hand. "Two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve," counted the usher, totting up the hands till he reached a majority. "True Bill, True Bill!

But when we play the game of death, things are our counters guns, rivers, shells, bread, roads, forests, ships and in totting up the values of these my friend Hunter-Weston has very few equals in the Army. Therefore, his conclusion depresses me very much, but not so much as it would have done had I not seen him.

And nothing worse than either could have befallen Leam, said the reasoners, putting their little twos and twos together and totting up the items with the serene accuracy of spiritual arithmeticians, dealing with human emotion as if it was a sum in long division which any schoolboy could calculate.