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The family expected that this girl would be reduced to moderation, and rendered faithful as she certainly was intelligent by force of kindness in a short time. Of course in a country thus circumstanced, there are bad servants. The independence of the Totties is most amusing to those who do not suffer from it.

When all is gone he swaps his waggons against more oxen and a horse, and he and his four 'totties' drive home the spoil; and he has doubled or trebled his venture. En route home, each day they kill a sheep, and eat it ALL. 'What! says I; 'the whole? 'Every bit.

I don't know that this Babson fellow ever done anything worse than eat cracker-jack at South Beach, but I was just telling you what they all say how he drinks and goes with a lot of totties and all; but but he's all right if you say so, and honest t' Gawd, Miss Golden, listen, honest, I wouldn't knock him for nothing if I thought he was your fellow! And," in admiration, "and him an editor! Gee!"

"Our `boys' are mostly Totties, as you know, but we have had a few Griquas about half a dozen until within the last few days; now they are all gone, two or three of them without waiting to get their pay. I did not think very much of that, however, for they have done the same thing before; but in the light of what Mr Lestrange has just told us it certainly looks a bit suspicious."

As to my authority well, one of my Totties, a man named Klaas, who is a rather intelligent fellow, has overheard a good deal of mysterious talk among my `boys' of late, which he has repeated to me; and although nothing has been said of an absolutely definite character, the remarks which he has repeated certainly seem to point pretty conclusively to the fact that something is really brewing.

"I been," replied the lad keenly. "And what d'you think of it?" asked Monkey. The youth rubbed his stomach with the most delicate consideration. "Pore Albert," he said. "That's what I think. They're a yard through some of 'em. You clears 'em clean or it's amen, so be it, good-bye to the totties, and no flowers by request." He bustled on his way. Monkey nudged his mate. "Keeps it up," he muttered.

My father had evidently not been taken entirely by surprise, or there would not have been so many dead savages lying around the house: he had probably obtained an inkling of what was toward in time to put the building into some sort of state of defence; possibly he had found time to barricade the doors and windows, and from the general aspect of things outside I surmised that he had somehow contrived to get half a dozen or more of the Totties into the house to assist in its defence.

"Oh, I dun'no'; you're so darn honest, and you got so much more sense than this bunch of Bronx totties. Gee! they'll make bum stenogs. I know. I've worked in an office.

The next second I saw the feathers fly, the great wings flapped once, convulsively, and as the "smack" of the bullet reached my ears the bird turned a complete somersault in the air and fell to the ground stone-dead, to the accompaniment of loud shouts of wonder and admiration from my Totties.

Well, they came and assegaied all the other Totties, and stood under my tree cleaning their spears and getting their breath, for one of my brothers had given them a good run. But they never saw me, although I was nearly sick from fear on the top of them. Indeed, I was sick, but into the nest.