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And the dead ones unknown, they simply pass into a Greater Unknown. Their places are filled with fresh victims innocents, whom Passion begets with a caress and Cupidity buys with a curse. Children they are tots and why should they know that they are trading life for death? It was a bright fall morning, and Jud Carpenter rode toward the mountain a few miles away.

There never was anybody more reckless, more passionate, more dare-devil than Laurie Malone; and Kitty had always been with him heart and soul, always from the time that they had been little tots together. And now Laurie was in danger. The best broth of a boy might be condemned to go to a school in England; he might be condemned to the misery, the want of freedom, which she was now enduring.

There were two teachers besides herself, and both of them were experienced "school marms." She taught the "infant class," comprising about a dozen tots. The three teachers took turns about in building the fires, arranging the benches and cleaning the crude blackboard.

It's just over." With a sense of shame Ruth withdrew her hand from Tots. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "Nonsense!" said Tots kindly. "Nobody's blamin' you, my child. It's this infernal heat. You stay quietly here for a bit. I must go back and see that Danvers signs his name all right. But I'll come and fetch you afterwards." He departed, and Ruth suddenly realised an urgent need for solitude.

Women working in the stone quarries, and in the sand pits and on the railroads, and always with babies tied on their backs, and the poor little tots crippled and deformed from the cramped position and often blind from the glare of the sun. What I am crazy to do now is to open another free kindergarten in one of the poorest parts of the city.

The poor little tots were hanging onto the sled right out in the middle of an open space about thirty yards wide." "Jack, here, never stopped a second. He saw what was up as he came skatin' along, and he legged it all the harder, and in he went skates, overcoat, comforter, mittens and all.

Here they come up that runway tiny tots in blue, and tiny tots in red, and tiny tots in white; tiny tots with their parents, guardians or nurses, and tiny tots without none; tiny tots that are beginning to outgrow the tiny tottering stage, and other varieties of tiny tots too numerous to mention.

He broke off, struck silent by a wholly unexpected display of energy on the part of Tots, who had suddenly hurled a piece of chalk at him from the other end of the room. It hit him smartly on the shoulder, leaving a white patch to testify to the excellence of Tots's aim. "I beg your pardon," said Tots mildly. "But you really shouldn't talk such rot, particularly in the presence of my fiancée."

Roessle was prostrated, two little tots of five and seven, too young to understand, had gravely received the reporter and told him that some bad man had hurt their daddy. "Mr. Dale, sir!" Jimmie Dale lowered his paper. A club attendant was standing before him, respectfully extending a silver card tray. From the man, Jimmie Dale's eyes fixed on a white envelope on the tray.

Their children were there also little tots, many of them, who worked in the factory because no man nor woman in all the State cared enough for them to make a fight for their childhood. They were children only in age.