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You regret all the old forms of representative government their spectres still haunt the world, the voting councils, and parliaments and all that eighteenth century tomfoolery. You feel moved against our Pleasure Cities. I might have thought of that, had I not been busy. But you will learn better. The people are mad with envy they would be in sympathy with you.

"Get out yourself!" thundered Albert Charlton, bursting in at that moment. "If you don't get your pack of tomfoolery out of here quick, I'll get it out for you," and he bore down on Westcott fiercely. "I beg pardon, Mr. Charlton. I'm here to see your sister with her consent and your mother's, and "

O for God's sake, sir!" whimpering, dancing. "Ave mercy as you ope for it. Let me ave me smack if it's only for the glory of the old rigiment." "Certainly not," said the Parson sternly. "This is war, not tomfoolery." The little man collapsed sullenly. "From the right retire by companies on your sup-ports!" shouted the Parson in measured regimental voice.

He was saying to himself that he hoped he had done right to tell the child to hold her tongue. "It was just tomfoolery," he argued; "there was no sin about it, so confession wouldn't do her any good; on the contrary, it would hurt a girl's self-respect to have a man know she had tried to catch him. But what a donkey he was not to see.... Oh yes; I'm sure I'm right," said William King.

This sort of thing is got up to impress you, not to impress me. THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. I wish you would let it impress us, then, madam. I am deeply impressed; but you are spoiling the effect. ZOO. You just wait. All this business with colored lights and chords on that old organ is only tomfoolery. Wait til you see the pythoness. The Envoy's wife falls on her knees, and takes refuge in prayer.

'No, no; he would begin his tomfoolery again. I will give him his liberty when I go away, but not before.... Well, I was telling you, Cure, when this good-for-nothing interrupted us, that you would be very welcome yonder. The little one is mistress, you know; I don't attempt to interfere with her any more than I do with my salad-plants.

"Put that tomfoolery down, Cora, and listen to me, both of you! This is Wednesday. We leave London for Liverpool on Friday morning, and sail from Liverpool for New York on Saturday. So you sent that man to me, mistress?" "Yes, sir," without looking up. "For my consent to a marriage with him!" "Yes, sir!" "Then the fellow did not mistake your meaning! Cora Haught!

Use it for your musical tomfoolery if you insist, and then get what living you can. Which was severe but dignified, unpaternal yet patrician. But what does my governor do? That cantankerous, pig-headed old Philistine God bless him! he's got no sense of the respect a father owes to his offspring. Not an atom.

Those are my footprints." Sarah looked again. The footprints were too small to belong to anyone but Johnny. She looked at Abe. He seemed to have taken a sudden liking for boiled potatoes and kept his eyes on his plate. "Abe Lincoln, is this some of your tomfoolery?" "I I reckon so." "But how " "It was easy," Johnny interrupted. "I held my legs stiff and Abe held me upside down, and I walked."

When one passes and listens to this tomfoolery, and sees the emaciated and overworked men in war-time, swaying to the sounds of music, and enjoying it, one's very gall rises. Why music? Of course, if times were different, one could enjoy music. But to-day! It should be the aim of the higher authorities to put an end to this murder. In every sound of music the dead cry for revenge.