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I'm a Christian testator too; and Christians of my cut aren't accustomed to be kept standing about just like office-boys or authors. See that it don't happen again, Todd." "I am sure I am exceedingly grieved. Circumstances" "Oh, never mind all that I want my will." "Will will Forgive me a little confused, that's all. Your manner is so full of hearty old middle-age's kind of vigour"

"Well, you look out that something doesn't run you down a bear, for instance," said Laura. "Boys that can kill a bobcat can kill a bear, if they try," answered Sid Todd. The boys were in great delight, and spent every minute of their time in getting ready for the trip. Guns were cleaned and oiled, and they sorted and packed their ammunition with care. Mr.

So at noon that day I began my fight. I presented myself at the editorial rooms of The Record and asked for Mr. Carmody. In my hand I held a letter to him from Boller, recommending me in such high terms that it seemed highly improbable that he could refuse me his good offices. To support Boller's assertions as to my acquirements I had also letters from Doctor Todd and Mr. Pound.

In 1835 General Atkinson and his officers thought nothing of the twenty miles from Jefferson Barracks below, nor of dancing all night with the Louisville belles, who were Mrs. Brinsmade's guests. Thither came Miss Todd of Kentucky, long before she thought of taking for a husband that rude man of the people, Abraham Lincoln.

ONE MORNING, very early, I heard Mrs. Todd in the garden outside my window. By the unusual loudness of her remarks to a passer-by, and the notes of a familiar hymn which she sang as she worked among the herbs, and which came as if directed purposely to the sleepy ears of my consciousness, I knew that she wished I would wake up and come and speak to her.

"Sweet, isn't he?" she remarked. "Kingsfrere Gilbert Todd Jannan." "That's absolutely all," that individual assured her. "Except if you want to add Sturgeon; some do. Hullow, Howat! Grand old boy, Howat," he told her. "But if he says I'm drunk, I will tell you one of Bundy's stories about him. This this elegant deception tremendous noise with the song birds."

Todd cured the young man Of a ball that the Judge had shot into him for all the world as easy as I could pick out a splinter with my darning-needleSuch were the impressions of Remarkable on the subject; and such doubtless were the opinions of most of those who felt it necessary to entertain a species of religious veneration for the skill of Elnathan; but such was far from the truth.

"Stop, Todd be careful you mustn't speak that way of Mr. Willits." "Well, Marse George, I won't but I ain't neber like him f'om de fust. He ain't quality an' he neber kin be. How Miss Kate don' stan' him is mo'n I kin tell." Kate drove up to her father's house in state, with Ben as special envoy to see that she and her belongings were properly cared for. St.

Fosdick, with sadness, "you may say what you like, but I am one of nine brothers and sisters brought up on the old place, and we're all dead but me." "Your sister Dailey ain't gone, is she? Why, no, Louisa ain't gone!" exclaimed Mrs. Todd, with surprise. "Why, I never heard of that occurrence!" "Yes'm; she passed away last October, in Lynn.

"Oh, Jo stayed all night, and I stopped at Todd Stewart's place and persuaded him down to help mother and Jo. It wasn't hard work to get him persuaded, either." "Aren't you jealous of Todd?" Leigh asked, with a demure curve of her lip. "Ought I be? He hasn't anything I want," Thaine retorted. "No, he's a farmer. Some folks don't like farmers." "I don't blame them," Thaine said thoughtlessly.