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"I wouldn't have worried," Sanders went on, ignoring the insult, "if they'd put a good man in charge; but to give a pudden-headed soldier " "We thank you!" bowed Hamilton. " with little or no experience " "An insolent lie and scarcely removed from an unqualified lie!" murmured Hamilton. "To put him in my place!" apostrophized Sanders, tilting back his helmet the better to appeal to the heavens.

"Can't you?" said Kerry, tilting his bowler farther forward and staring truculently at the speaker. "No, I can't. Since you cleaned up the dope gang down here you've been a marked man. These murders in the Chinatown area, of which this one to-night makes the third, have got some kind of big influence behind them. Yet you wander about in the fog without even a gun in your pocket."

Among them, was the Mexican whom Tad had defeated in the tilting game a few days before. When all was over, the boys hoisted Tad Butler on their shoulders and marched around the adobe house shouting and singing. Mr. Marquand decided to go back with the posse, using these men as a guard for his treasure. It was understood that the Pony Rider Boys were to follow the next morning. Before leaving, Mr.

Combermere sat on a straight-backed chair, tilting it forward, her skirt drawn up to her knees, lier thick-stockinged legs and big boots for all the world to see. "Well, Ellen, whom did you have?" "Ronder and his aunt, the Bentinck-Majors, Charlotte Kyle and Major Drake." "Sorry I couldn't have been there. What did you give them?" "Soup, fish salad, cutlets, chocolate souffle, sardines on toast."

James approached him with pity and concern: love and affection arose on the sight of his beauty and tender years; and the prince ordered him immediately to be lodged in the palace, and to be carefully attended. He himself, after the tilting, paid him a visit in his chamber, and frequently returned during his confinement.

Maimie also noticed that the whole cavalcade seemed to be in a passion, tilting their noses higher than it can be safe for even fairies to tilt them, and she concluded that this must be another case in which the doctor had said "Cold, quite cold!" Well, she followed the ribbon to a place where it became a bridge over a dry puddle into which another fairy had fallen and been unable to climb out.

"All we've had we had from you the last from Savannah, Georgia." "Savannah, Georgia," said Lulu, and laughed. They could see that she was dressed well, in dark red cloth, with a little tilting hat and a drooping veil. She did not seem in any wise upset, nor, save for that nervous laughter, did she show her excitement. "Well, but he's here with you, isn't he?" Dwight demanded. "Isn't he here?

Creedle now appeared with a specially prepared dish, which he served by elevating the little three-legged pot that contained it, and tilting the contents into a dish, exclaiming, simultaneously, "Draw back, gentlemen and ladies, please!" A splash followed. Grace gave a quick, involuntary nod and blink, and put her handkerchief to her face.

It is a very rough and sometimes dangerous game and in many colleges has been abolished on account of serious injuries resulting to some of the contestants. This is a revival of the ancient game of tilting as described in "Ivanhoe," except that the tilters use canoes instead of horses and blunt sticks in place of spears and lances.

There is great danger in the event of tilting that some of the stays suspending the car may snap and the construction fall to pieces in the air. In deciding upon the shape of a dirigible balloon the chief consideration is to secure an end surface which presents the least possible resistance to the air and also to secure stability and equilibrium.