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'I will not pe going, he said briefly. 'Of all ta fulish gomerals! burst out Duncan, and clenched his fists and stormed in Gaelic to the lad, who remained unmoved. 'That will be a ferry foolish thing, Neil; gang wi ta captain, said Bob soothingly. 'Go on board, Neil; it isn't too late yet, implored Allan. 'Tide's on the turn, shouted the gruff voice of the captain.

Vessels brought them and vessels kept them going; and, with the wharves as empty as they were this afternoon, soon there won't be any Salem to talk about." "The tide's turned from here," the other replied; "with the increase in tonnage and the importance of time we need the railway and docking facility of the larger cities Boston and New York."

"But why don't you hurry? At any moment now her father's men may reach the shore." "We can't," said Priscilla, "hurry any more than we are. The wind's dropping every minute. Luff her a little bit, Frank, or she won't clear the point. The tide's taking us down, and that point runs out a terrific distance."

For a dozen reasons it is a wonderful town, and the foremost of these is that it is the only city of size that comes and goes like the tide's ebbing and flowing. When a fishery is proclaimed, Marichchikkaddi is only a name a sand-drifted waste lying between the jungle of the hinterland and the ocean.

We two were looking in after him when thud! plash! came a wave, breaking just below us and drenching us from head to foot, while a quantity of the water rushed into our baled-out hole, filled it, and began running swiftly up the channel, so swiftly that we saw at a glance it would only take another or two to fill the upper pool. "Here, come out, Big. Quick!" I cried. "Tide's coming in.

On returning to the floating light, after finishing the tide's work, the boats were received by the part of the ship's crew left on board with the usual attention of handing ropes to the boats and helping the artificers on board; but the four masons who had absented themselves from the work did not appear upon deck.

Many lights have been built at such points on our coast, but the ponderous tower of Minot's Ledge, at the entrance to Boston Harbor, may well be taken as a type. Minot's Ledge is three miles off the mouth of Boston Bay, a jagged reef of granite, wholly submerged at high tide, and showing a scant hundred yards of rock above the water at the tide's lowest stage.

Jim shoved him back. "It's my job; he's my partner. Look after Carrie. Start for the marsh." He got on board and when the punt vanished in the fog Dick turned to Carrie. "They may be ten minutes; the tide's running fast. You are wet and perhaps we had better get off." "No," said Carrie. "I won't move until they're safe across." Dick gave her a quick glance.

There are no common griefs, and death's a common grief, that can be drawn above that tide's highwater mark. But there's that sentence: "Rosalie ran to her mother to cry." That's of the aching voids of life, deep-seated like a cancer, that no tide reaches. That twists the heart to hear it because O happy Rosalie! the aching thing in life is not having where you can take your weariness.

"It seemed to matter a good deal a little while ago," said Dot resentfully. "Nothing matters now," said Susie, "except to get Dick home." "Well, you can't rest long," said Dash, "because the tide's coming in." Susie looked vaguely at the island behind her, with the waves splashing against its sides, and then at the glistening rocks that made rough stepping-stones to land.