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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Nor will I bide here to see to see " went on the bondsman, excitedly, "I must run, or I shall end by 'T will be better to let me go before I turn mad." "'T is as good as a romance," was Janice's mental opinion. "How I wish Tibbie was here!" "'T is no doubt a joke to you oh! you need not have avoided me as you've done lately to show me that I was beneath you. I knew it without that.

"Tibbie Dyster!" sobbed Truffey in reply. "Here's Jeames Johnstone!" said Thomas; "he'll tell's a' aboot it." He surmised the facts, but waited in painful expectation of assurance from the deacon, who came slipping and sliding along the wet ridges. "What's this?" he cried fiercely, as James came within hearing. "What is't?" returned the weaver eagerly.

Ay, there was Ruth when she wasna wanted, but Ezra, dagont, it looked as if Ezra had jumped clean out o' the Bible." "You wasna the only distressed crittur," said his wife. "I was ashamed to see Eppie McLaren looking up the order o' the books at the beginning o' the Bible." "Tibbie Birse was even mair brazen," said the post, "for the sly cuttie opened at Kings and pretended it was Ezra."

"We will have his heart's blood!" said Dame Glendinning; and, seconded by the faithful Tibbie, she made such a sudden onslaught on the unlucky Euphuist, as must have terminated in something serious, had not the monk, aided by Mysie Happer, interposed to protect him from their fury.

Tibbie ran to the farm and woke up T'nowhead. For an hour they looked in vain for Hendry. At last some one asked who was working in Elshioner's shop all night. This was the long earthen-floored room in which Hendry's loom stood with three others. "It'll be Sanders Whamond likely," T'nowhead said, and the other men nodded.

"Tibbie," I order, "hold your tongue and drop an angel in the blasphemy box." "'Twas good coin wasted," the old nurse vowed; but I must needs put some curb on her royalist tongue, which was ever running a-riot in that Puritan household. It was an accident, in the end, that threw me across M. Picot's path.

There was a text that said "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." So she was sure that the light that was in a Christian, whatever it meant, must come from the face of God. And so what Thomas said and what Tibbie said might be only different ways of saying the same thing.

At this I laughed as Rebecca told it me, and old Tibbie winked behind the little Puritan maid's head; for my father, like the princes, had known that love of the new sciences which became a passion among gentlemen. Had I not noticed the mole on the French doctor's cheek? Rebecca asked. I had: what of it?

Peggy has taught me the minuet glide and curtsey and languish, and I am to step it at the first Assembly with Captain Andre, such a pretty, engaging fellow, Tibbie, who will never swing for want of tongue; and Lord Rawdon has bespoke my hand for the quadrille, a stern, frowning man, who frights me greatly, but 't is a monstrous distinction I need scarce say to be asked by one who will some day be an earl, Tibbie and I dance the Sir Roger de Coverley with Sir Frederick Mobray, who is delightsome, too, by his rallying, performs most entrancingly on the flute, and is one of the best bowlers in the weekly cricket matches, but who is said to play very deep at Pharaoh in the club the officers have established; and to keep a great number of fighting cocks on which he wagers vast sums if rumour speaks true, as high as a hundred guineas on a single main, Tibbie at the cock-pit they have set up.

"Na," said Hendry, who was shut up in the closet-bed, taking off his blacks, "I heard tell he wasna bidden." "Yea, yea," said Jess, nodding to me significantly. Tibbie, Davit's wife, was sister to Marget, Pete's widow, and she generally did visit Jess on Saturday night to talk about Marget, who was fast becoming one of the most fashionable persons in Thrums. Tibbie was hopelessly plebeian.

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