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Updated: August 18, 2024

Thash what we did!" "Guess he wasn't the only one," observed Carroll grimly. "Now, look here, King. You're pretty drunk yet, but maybe you can get this through your noodle. There's been some nasty business, and you may, or may not, know something about it, though I don't believe you do, for you're so pickled now that you must have been loading up ever since last week.

Ellis and Vandover laughed as soon as they saw each other, and Ellis exclaimed mockingly, "Ye-e-ow, thash jush way I feel." Vandover grinned: "That's so," he answered. "I do remember now of having made that remark several times. But you oh, you were fearful. Do you remember the row in the Luxembourg? Look there where you bit me." Ellis was incensed with Geary because he had forsaken their party.

"Yesh!" said Byers thickly, "my first wife shelected and picked out fer your shecond wife by your first like d d conundrum. How wash I t'know?" he said, with a sudden shriek of public expostulation "thash what I wanter know. Here I come to talk with fr'en', like man to man, unshuspecting, innoshent as chile, about my shecond wife! Fr'en' drops out, carryin' off the whiskey.

"Thash all ri', missus," said the Missing Link affably, "I don' know you, an' excuse me; I don' wanter hear you sing." He brushed her aside, and rolled drunkenly into a wine shop. In the wine shop a large mirror served as a door screen.

The-the-the-melencholly event wish preshipitate our happ'ness the myster'us prov'nice wish releash you releash chile! hunerstan? releash chile. The mom't Tretherick die all claim you have in chile through him die too. Thash law. Whose chile b'long to? Tretherick? Tretherick dead. Chile can't b'long dead man. Damn nonshense b'long dead man. I'sh your chile? no! who's chile then?

"Drink her health, old man, and no heel taps." Mr. Royston rose nobly to the occasion and swallowed the contents of his glass at a single gulp. "Blesh 'em!" he said. "Blesh 'em." He seized the arm of his chair while the room spun round him in a dizzy whirl. "Blast you, Petersh," he cried. "Thash pre-war whiskey. Sh-shot me clean through the brain pan. C-caught in the brewersh web."

He looked up hastily, and saw a blear-eyed youth in a state of drivelling intoxication, staring at him with the expression of an idiot. "That's no business of yours," replied Sam Twitter, sharply. "Well, thash true, 'tain't no b-busnish o' mine. I I'm pretty far gone m'self, I allow; but I ain't quite got the l-length o' drinkin' in a p-public 'ouse wi' th' bl-blue ribb'n on."

His speech was thick, and his smile was rather idiotic, by reason of his having drunk more than his usual allowance at dinner that day. By way of mending matters, Ned resolved to renew his potations immediately, and announced his intentions to himself in the following words: "Com mi boy y-you'll go ave an urrer por-o-porer thash yer sort!"

Thash way I feel, jush like that." Geary made a "Josh" that was a masterpiece, the success of the occasion. It consisted in exclaiming from time to time, "Cherries are ripe!" This was funny. It seemed to have some ludicrous, hidden double-meaning that was irresistible.

Shorry to be in thish disgrashful state ... thish sad occas'n, gemmem. Very shorry! I thank you!" He turned to leave them, staggering towards the door. "I ain't been a good 'usban' to 'er," he went on, again making the jerking gesture over his shoulder with his thumb. "Thash a fac'. I ain't. But I 'pologise. I'm shorry! Can't say no more'n that, can I? Goo'-ni', gemmem!"

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