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Thash way I feel, jush like that." Geary made a "Josh" that was a masterpiece, the success of the occasion. It consisted in exclaiming from time to time, "Cherries are ripe!" This was funny. It seemed to have some ludicrous, hidden double-meaning that was irresistible.

"Zere's no great sorrer gnawin' chure vitals, is zere, Moffski?" "I vas all ride." "Not sufferin' f'om any mad r'gret, 'r misplaced love, 'rensing zat kind, eh, Woffski?" "No." "Feeling jush sames' ushyal?" "Yah." "Zen 'sall right. Don't 'pol'gize, 's all right. Zere was somepin' 'n you're looksh made me shink p'raps yu's feeling trifle in'sposed.

My wife tol' me zuzzer day she saw piece Crown Derby 'n' fainted dead way, 'n' r'fused t' come to f'r half 'n hour. I said I'd give ton er Crown Derby for bashket champagne 'n' she didn't speak to me rester 'zhe week. Jush shows how shum people " "Nein!" "Eh?" "It vasn't shina." "By zhove, you 'rouse my cur'os'ty, Woffski. If 'tain't picshur er piece pottery, wha' deuce is't?" "You shall see."

But the other gave a sudden lurch forward. "My lady refused perdition!" he muttered, and his head dropped to the board. "Wake up, man, and drink!" commanded the master. "Jush same they ought to have been married," said his companion drowsily. "They lived together so so ill!" And then to place himself beyond reach of further temptation from the bottle, he quietly and naturally slid under the table.

Ellis and Vandover laughed as soon as they saw each other, and Ellis exclaimed mockingly, "Ye-e-ow, thash jush way I feel." Vandover grinned: "That's so," he answered. "I do remember now of having made that remark several times. But you oh, you were fearful. Do you remember the row in the Luxembourg? Look there where you bit me." Ellis was incensed with Geary because he had forsaken their party.