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Bobby looked sorely perplexed. 'Lady Is'bel teached it to me out of the Talian Bible. "Blessed are they that wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in frough the gates into the City." That's my tex', I know it is. Mrs. Allonby smiled at his disconsolate face. 'It is another version, Bobby. 'But isn't it true? he questioned.

"Dud's bettin' he'll get the sky pilot to race him from here to Monty's place," explained Reeves. "Stick around. He'll want to borrow a coupla dollars from you to buy the drinks." It was Sunday afternoon. The missionary was returning from South Park, where he had been conducting a morning service. He was riding Tex Lindsay's Blue Streak, borrowed for the occasion.

You will see why it was necessary to the peace and prosperity of Tex that the surface should be kept very smooth and unruffled. Tex, of course, overlooked one detail. He should have worried over Mary V and her industrious gathering of "Desert Glimpses," lest she glimpse something she was not wanted to see.

'Texts from the Bible? I said, staggering under a new thought that seemed to strike through me like a bar of hot metal. 'Can you remember any one of them? 'It was allus the same tex', an' I ought to remember it well enough, for I've 'eerd it times enough. She wur like you for poll-parritin' ways, and used to say the same thing over an' over ag'in.

Tex spat dirt off his tongue and scowled while he did it; indeed, no eyes save those of little Curley seemed able to look upon Johnny with a kindly light. Mary V's father stood dispassionately watching them for five minutes or so before he turned back to the gate. Not once had he smiled or shown any emotion whatever.

One in particular seemed, even in his dreamlike state, to sting into his consciousness with a peculiar, bitter instinct of hatred. When at length he realized that it was the voice of Tex Lynch, the discovery had a curiously reviving effect upon his dazed senses.

Yo' all could have mo' time to write po'try an' study up on flyin' machines, down there. And Pete, he's aimin' to quit the first. He don't like it down there." Johnny dropped the letters back into his suitcase and sat down on the side of his bed to smoke. His was not the nature to hold a grudge, and Tex seemed to be friendly.

"Excuse me, stranger," said Texas, in his softest tones; "but I sure am moved to testify in this here meetin'." The man would have made some angry, blustering reply, but a warning look from the promoter and a slight cough from the bar-tender checked him. Tex proceeded. "That you-all has rights to your opinion regardin' Mr.

Presently Tex came in, warbling like a lovesick crow: "I'll cir-cle high 's if pass-in' by, Then vol-lup bank-an' la-a-and " "So will this la-and," Johnny said viciously and threw one of his new riding boots straight at the warbler. "For gosh sake, lay off that stuff!"

"We have two witnesses who also swear that you killed Tex' and Rawhide, though they give a very different version of the trouble with the boy. Would you ask us to believe that Texas Bill lied with his last breath?" "If he told the story you say he did, he certainly lied most sinfully with his last breath; but I'd hate to take your word for anything, so I don't know whether he lied or not." "Mr.