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"The witness is a patient, your Honor, whom I examined some weeks ago and found suffering from valvular disease of the heart. He is dead." The Chinese boy to whom the colloquialism was addressed answered literally, after his habit: "Allee same Li Tee; me no changee. Me no ollee China boy." "I don't suppose there's another imp like you in all Trinidad County.

He wore his club unyform, gray pants, black leather belt, an' blue shirt. His opponent, th' sicrety iv war, was visibly narvous. Th' prisident was first off th' tee with an excellent three while his opponent was almost hopelessly bunkered in a camera. But he made a gallant recovery with a vaccuum cleaner an' was aven with th' prisidint in four.

All that I wish to suggest is, that a player should not be too self-sacrificing, and should not, with too much modesty about his own prowess on the tee, always volunteer to drive after his partner. The old-fashioned or two-ball foursome makes a really fine and enjoyable game. It brings golfers together on even more intimate and friendly relations than usual.

Bob said nothing, but cast a look at Nancy, who was pale with excitement. He could see how anxious she was, and noted the confident air with which Trevanion approached the next tee. Although his position seemed almost hopeless, a feeling of confidence came into his heart. He had measured his opponent by this time, and he knew he had got to his old mastery of his clubs.

Rupert Bailey will accompany me, acting as the other judge." "And you want me to go round with Jukes?" "Not round," said Ralph Bingham. "Along." "What is the distinction?" "We are not going to play a round. Only one hole." "Sudden death, eh?" "Not so very sudden. It's a longish hole. We start on the first tee here and hole out in the town in the doorway of the Majestic Hotel in Royal Square.

Vardon or any other player could have used a shovel in that bunker and have simply shovelled the ball over on to the other side." I was surprised that Braid got his next tee shot in so well as he did.

Merton Gill here saw that he must learn to drive a high-powered roadster. Probably Baird would want some of that stuff, too. A round of country-house gaieties ensued, permitting Throckmorton to appear in a series of perfectly fitting sports costumes. He was seen on his favourite hunter, on the tennis courts, on the first tee of the golf course, on a polo pony, and in the mazes of the dance.

He walked up the hill to the next tee with me. "Rather a quick-tempered young fellow, Holmes!" he said, thoughtfully. "I should never have suspected it. It just shows how little one can know of a man, only meeting him in business hours." I tried to defend the poor lad. "He has an excellent heart, Alexander.

"Silas taught me how; and berries and milk would be so nice," she said, emptying the contents of her pail into her hat, and boldly beginning her new task, while Rob stood by and repeated, at her command, the poem from Mother Goose: "Cushy cow, bonny, let down your milk, Let down your milk to me, And I will give you a gown of silk, A gown of silk and a silver tee."

He had discovered another way out and once more from the high tree tops he sang down to the waiting tiger: "Tango ti tar, tango ti tar, The tiger's bones are in my guitar. Tee hee, Tee hee." There had been a great drought in the land and there was only one watering place where the beasts could drink.