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Updated: January 16, 2025
One saves a vast amount of time by living in such a club house as that of Woodvale. The hours expended by golfers in travelling between their places of business and the links will foot up to an enormous total each year. I remain here and thus save all that time. Not that I neglect my business; far from it. Once a week my private secretary comes to the club house from my office in the city.
Golfers are freshest and keenest in the morning, their bodies and limbs are most vigorous and anxious for work, and a very important consideration their eyes are most to be depended upon. And it is not an unimportant consideration that there is no indigestible lunch to interfere with the perfect ease of mind and body which are necessary to the making of a good card.
“A good journey to you,” said the Belgian players, “and may St. Antony, the patron of golfers, preserve you from meeting the devil on the way!” “What do I care for the devil?” replied Roger. “If he challenged me I should soon beat him!”
We are always well aware that there are very good golfers in the crowd, who are watching and criticising every stroke that we make. Therefore we keep ourselves in the very best of condition, and do our utmost always to play our best. How difficult is our task when sometimes we are not feeling as well as we might wish as must occasionally happen I will leave the charitable reader to imagine.
In many cases the golf that is to be obtained upon them is excellent, and I only wish to point out to unpractised golfers who are about to start for a holiday and have taken no advice, that if they are making for a seaside place and want that kind of golf which they have heard is to be had at Deal, Sandwich, Rye, Westward Ho! Littlestone, St.
Just now and then she'll whisper, 'My dear, my dear but it's good to be alive, but most times they just kiss. Then they go on and finish their game. Except for that interlude they are really very serious golfers." "And when they've finished their game what then?" "They go back and have tea a big fat tea with lots of scones and Devonshire cream.
But the man who is hasty, unbalanced, and violent on the links will display the same qualities in the wider field of everyday life. You don't want an unbalanced treasurer do you?" "Not if his books are likely to catch the complaint." "They are sure to. Statisticians estimate that the average of crime among good golfers is lower than in any class of the community except possibly bishops.
"I can tell you that the thought of war is never absent for a single day from the average German mind. We are all soldiers, you see. We start with that. You start by being golfers and cricketers. But 'der Tag' is never quite absent from the German mind. I don't say that all you golfers and cricketers wouldn't make good soldiers, but you've got to be made.
Although not a golfer, he was on friendly terms with many of the members of the local Club; and since Toni's friends, Mollie and Cynthia Teach, were ardent golfers, it had seemed most probable that Owen and his wife would receive an invitation to the annual ball.
A larger sense of power and control is obtained in this manner. My own clubs seem to most golfers who examine them to be on the short side, and this is a convenient opportunity for giving a few details concerning my favourites, which may prove of interest to the readers of these notes.
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