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Updated: August 18, 2024

Zeb took the glasses and after a careful scrutiny and a reference to the map, declared that the island below them tallied in every way with its description. "Then down we go," said Jack. "All right," nodded Tom, who was almost as good an air pilot as his cousin. The Wondership dropped rapidly.

Its terms, moreover, by no means tallied with the information given by the dying man to Val; for in it there was no mention of the Logans at all, everything being bequeathed to the Freemason's lodge of which Gowan had been a member. Val was puzzled, but not convinced. "It's a mystery, certainly," he said; "but I feel absolutely satisfied that there is another will somewhere.

I felt sure that she had remembered them precisely, and that Clarenceux would, indeed, have employed just such terms. "And you believe," I murmured, after a long pause, during which I fitted the remarkable narration in with my experiences, and found that it tallied "you believe that Lord Clarenceux could keep his word after death?" "I believe!" she said simply.

I hope my reader will give me credit for truth I can assure him that it was some time before I could believe my own eyes, though I considered that the result of our explorations would explain in part the sight, which appeared to me so extraordinary, and which tallied so strangely with the footprints which had frightened Shah Pursund Khan twelve years ago.

The sight of Guida and Philip hand in hand, the tender attitude, the light in their faces, was overwhelming and unaccountable. Yesterday these two were strangers to-day it was plain to be seen they were lovers, and lovers who had reached a point of confidence and revelation. Nothing in the situation tallied with Ranulph's ideas of Guida and his knowledge of life.

But the report tallied with my own surmise, for they had used the word "Dover" when they left us for dead in the Wilderness. I dismissed my chaise at the door. "Mr. Manners waits on you, sir, in the drawing-room," said the footman. "Your honour is here sooner than he looked for," he added gratuitously. "Sooner than he looked for?" "Yes, sir.

It must have been an unusually large foot that made the marks; and this tallied with what had been said about the height of the wild man. "You're not goin' to try and follow him, I hope, Paul?" asked Jud, uneasily, as if he drew the line at certain things, ready and willing as he might be to back the scout master in most ventures. "Oh! it wouldn't pay us," retorted Paul.

Some years after Tom heard from a commercial traveller of a melancholy, broken man who haunted the low betting-houses of San Francisco, and who met his death eventually in some drunken fracas. There was much about this desperado which tallied with the description of young Girdlestone, but nothing certain was ever known about the matter.

The one most to the purpose was an account of the examination of Molly Cox, the waiting-woman, who had been in attendance on the unfortunate Margaret, and whose story tallied fairly with Aunt Peggy's tradition. She declared that she was sure that her mistress had met with foul play.

Bunker, without betraying her secret, or exciting the least suspicion on the part of her husband, managed to extract from him not only a rough description of Marion which tallied with her own impressions, but a short history of his career.

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