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"Who the devil's this?" he demanded, as the door opened and Tabb's child appeared in the entry. "I been expectin' you this hour an' more," announced Tabb's child. "Stoppin' for drinks on the road, I reckon?" "We did take a drink, now you mention it," stammered Captain Cai, caught aback: "though, as it happens that don't account for our bein' late. But what brings you, here, missy?"

A roadway divided the house from the garden, which descended to the harbour-cliff in a series of tiny terraces. "They've been pokin' around indoors this hour and more." "You don't suppose he caught sight of us?" "Maybe not; but Tabb's child did. That girl 've a-got eyes like niddles. If he don't come down to pay his respects, you may bet 'tis because he don't want to."

You did not mention how her health was. I am much concerned at Tabb's indisposition, but am glad to hear that the baby is well. Give my love to both, and I trust you will all be benefited by the mountain air. My personal health is good, but I see no change in my rheumatic attack, which is principally confined to my chest and back.

"No, I never got anything from a single one of the people I carried over the river to freedom. I didn't want anything; after had made a few trips I got to like it, and even though I could have been free any night myself, I figgered I wasn't getting along so bad so I would stay on Mr. Tabb's place and help the others get free. I did it for four years.

The next day he walked about the beautiful gardens, and was driven over the plantation and shown the landscapes and water views of the immediate neighborhood. Mr. Graves, Dr. Tabb's overseer, who had the honour of being his coachman, fully appreciated it, and was delighted when my father praised his management.

Will ye take the bird for a gift, or would ye rather have sixpence to wring its neck?" "Both," suggested Mr Philp with promptitude. "What yer wrigglin' for like that, at the back o' my chair, you Tabb's child?" asked Mr Rogers, whose paralysis prevented his turning his head. "Offer for 'n, master!" whispered Fancy. Mr Rogers, if he heard, made no sign. "D'ye mean it?" he inquired of 'Bias.

In the following letter to his son he tells of his plans for the summer: "Lexington, Virginia, July 1, 1868. "My Dear Fitzhugh: I received yesterday your letter of the 28th ultimo, and regret very much to learn of Tabb's indisposition. I hope that she will soon be well, and I wish very much she would join us in the mountains and return here with us.

One of Haile Tabb's boys was bedridden, and he was a great friend of his, and that set him at it." "I don't think he's so much of a crank as he used to be," said someone. The broker who had been his schoolmate met Floyd next day. "I see you have been having a great stroke of luck," he said. "Have I?" "Yes.

"Philp must tell me honest what he discovers. . . . You, Tabb's child, you're jogglin' my chair again!" So 'Bias, the five shillings handed over, went his way; relieved of one burden, but not of the main one. "Well, if I ever!" echoed Dinah, returning to the kitchen at Rilla. "If that wasn't a masterpiece, and no mistake!" "Is the bird gone?" asked her mistress.

I've talked it over with 'Bias, and he allows we should advertise for a single housekeeper; a staid honest woman to look after the pair of us with maybe a trifle of extra help. That gel, for instance, as waited table " "Tabb's child?" "Is that her name?" "She was christened Fancy Fancy Tabb her parents being a brace o' fools. Ay, she's a nonesuch, is Tabb's child."