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Science has proved that even the molecules of a wire can grow fatigued by the constant passage of electricity, or the edge of a razor by too frequent stropping. Both of them, to be effective, to do their utmost service, must have periods of rest.

Arthur, who was stropping a razor and whistling tunelessly, raised his eyebrows. His manner was frosty. 'I fail to understand your meaning, he said. 'You know what I mean. Do you think I didn't see you frowning when I was doing that gentleman's nails? The allusion was to the client who had just left a jovial individual with a red face, who certainly had made Maud giggle a good deal. And why not?

He was astonished and pleased to observe how deftly his companion handled the knife, putting it through a dozen operations, from grinding to stropping and polishing. Then he adjusted a little drill to a handle and said: "I'll put your name on the handle, if you like." "All right," assented Frank with satisfaction. "It's Frank Jordan."

Presently the man who was talking to Ned pulled out of his blanket which lay in the stern-sheets a razor, and turning his back to Renton began stropping it upon the sole of his boot, and even "Boston Ned" himself looked with awful eyes and blood-baked twitching lips upon the youngster.

About eighteen, maybe," supplemented Cabenza, in Mexican, of course. "A woman from the street, I reckon. And if you look into it you'll find she's here of her own free will." Steve was now stropping a razor. His back was toward the officer, but without turning he could see him by looking in the glass. "You've got the wrong steer, captain.

Presently three taps were discreetly struck upon the door; then, without waiting for any response, a handsome girl slipped like an eel into the room occupied by the old bachelor. "Ah! is it you, Suzanne?" said the Chevalier de Valois, without discontinuing his occupation, which was that of stropping his razor. "What have you come for, my dear little jewel of mischief?"

He stooped to tickle James, who had finished stropping his claws and was now enjoying a friction massage against his leg, and began to brood on the inscrutable way of Fate. Rum thing, Fate! Most extraordinary! Suppose he had never gone down to Marvis Bay that time. He had wavered between half a dozen places; it was pure chance that he had chosen Marvis Bay.

Stirn was much too vigilant a right-hand man, much too zealous a friend of law and order, not to regard such proceedings with horror and alarm. Stirn had something "very partikler to communicate about a most howdacious midnight 'spiracy and 'sault." The squire stared, and bade Mr. Stirn be admitted. "Well?" cried the squire, suspending the operation of stropping his razor. Mr. Stirn groaned.

This must be removed by stropping on both sides alternately. A paste composed of emery and crocus powders mixed with grease is used to smear the leather before stropping; this can either be procured at the tool shop, or made by the carver.

The Nigger had come in during the discussion. He seated himself, and recommenced his favorite task of stropping his knife upon a whetstone. At the Cockney's last words he lifted his head. "Don' yoh touch de mate," he said to Cockney. "Dat man's mah meat, yes, suh, mah meat!" Cockney disputed this. He raved, and swore, and even threatened Nigger. Aye, he made a fine bluster.