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"Just heft it once." "Light, ain't it," said Peterson, taking it in his hand. "You bet it's light. And look here" he reached for it and drew it back and forth over the palm of his hand "that's the only stropping I ever give it." "Don't you have to hone it?" "No, sir; it's never been touched to a stone or leather. You just get up and try it once.

His shaving, always disagreeable, sometimes painful, was a joyous little labour on this day. Stropping his razor, he sang from sheer joy of living. Catherine had never seen him spring on the car with so light a step. And away went the old gray pulling at the bridle, little thinking of the twenty-five Irish miles that lay before him.

"Ay, ay," muttered this deliberate and grave-looking tar, who was no other than Richard Fid "the stropping you've sent with the fellow is none of the best; and, if he squeaks so now, what will he do when you come to reeve a rope through him! By the Lord, masters, you should have furnished the lad a better outfit, if you meant to send him into good company aloft.

Presently three taps were discreetly struck upon the door; then, without waiting for any response, a handsome girl slipped like an eel into the room occupied by the old bachelor. "Ah! is it you, Suzanne?" said the Chevalier de Valois, without discontinuing his occupation, which was that of stropping his razor. "What have you come for, my dear little jewel of mischief?"

Late in the afternoon he left me and went off in search of his brother, and I fell to stropping my razors with what cheerfulness I could assume. Before nightfall my neighbours on either hand had looked in and given me good evening. They asked few questions when I told them I was taking over old Diego's business for the time, and kept their speculations to themselves.