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"Sh-h!" said Jan. "Sh-h! You mustn't." "I will. You're the first man ever came to the house who didn't look at me as if I was a streetwalker. And he tried his best to make me one. And I fought him and fought him; but not a soul to help me. And a woman can't hold out forever. I'd 'a' killed myself, but I was afraid to die that way. I was beginning to weaken when you came.

You are nothing better than a streetwalker. You are only a trollop. You are a regular strumpet. And so on, and so on; a sailor could not have said more. "Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, and turned round. It was the other one, the fat woman, who had fallen onto my wife with her parasol. Whack! whack!

There was no interesting toil to relieve their unhappy lot, and no distinction was made of the insane, the law-breaking criminal, and the wretched streetwalker or demimondaine. In the courtyard, during the exercise periods, the only talk was of the terms of imprisonment and of the chances of Louisiana.

"No, no!" the Monarch continued to insinuate, "things are not so bad as that Steenie himself never thought of her being a streetwalker, even when he thought the worst of her." "If it can at all console my Lord of Huntinglen," said the citizen, "I can assure him of this lady's good birth, and most fair and unspotted fame."

A woman with anything to her, who had to choose between that life and death, wouldn't hesitate an instant. She couldn't. A streetwalker!" And again he made that gesture of disgust. "Before you write," said Susan, in a queer, quiet voice, "you'll find out all about it. Maybe some of these girls most of them all of them are still human beings. It's not fair to judge people unless you know.

Anger writhing at her mouth, and her fists clenched in threat, she faced the sea with the sublimity of a tragic witch, insulting the wild turmoil with the gibes of the Fishmarket: "Pig of a sea! Streetwalker! Sow! They call you a woman, but you're a man, I say!"

M. Simon, in a rage, screamed the more; and the countryman, yet more confirmed in his opinion, conceiving himself to be insulted, began railing in his turn, saying that, "Apparently, she was nothing better than a common streetwalker, and that the judge major should be ashamed of setting such ill examples."

If she had had to pay carfare ten cents a day, sixty cents a week! as did many of the girls who lived at home, she would have been ruined. She understood now why every girl without a family back of her, and without good prospect of marriage, was revolving the idea of becoming a streetwalker not as a hope, but as a fear.

And in Police Court tomorrow the Judge'll give you a week on the Island for being a streetwalker." Susan shivered. She instinctively glanced toward the window. The rain was still falling, changing the City of the Sun into a city of desolation. It looked as though it would never see the sun again and her life looked that way, also. Freddie was smiling pleasantly.

Another streetwalker, appearing from the backwaters of Seventh Avenue, grins in the drugstore's green light.... But to your eyes, Hulda, must be given no such picture. Yet such is the New York I come from; such the New York, stunning by day in its New World strength and splendour, loathsome by night in its hot, illumined bawdry.