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She impulsively stopped to ask if the misguided father still held to his resolution about Jim. Mr. Peaslee had reason to know that he did, and said so. "I tell ye, Miss Ware," said he, with much emotion, "he belongs to a stony-hearted generation, and that's a fact. He ain't got any compassion in him, seems though." "It's a shame, a perfect shame!" exclaimed Nancy. "'T ain't right," said Mr.

Certainly, most of the poets who have reached the heart of men, since Burns dropped the tear for poor "auld Nickie-ben" that softened the stony-hearted theology of Scotland, have had "non-clerical" minds, and I suppose our young friend is in his humble way an optimist like them.

When he has done so he has the satisfaction of feeling that his man is cut off from supplies, wandering penniless in stony-hearted London, as helpless as a babe in the wood. Where will he hide? He is a West End man, knowing little of London outside of Piccadilly, so the chances are that he will not get very far, and that his wanderings will end in surrender or starvation.

I would fain cancel the whole of it, but I must not sacrifice my own household to that of strangers. "Allow me to express my deep respect for a child so honourably jealous over a father's memory, and to subscribe myself, "Your very obedient, "Harold Gwynne." "He is not so stony-hearted after all, mamma," said Olive, smiling. "Shall I put this letter with the other; we had better keep them both?"

But not alone that-I see in the plains the smoke of the tired horses at the plough, or, on a stony-hearted spot of ground, a back-broken man trying to raise himself upright for a moment to breathe. The tragedy is surrounded by glories-that is no invention of mine. He wrote on for two hours, and by the time he had sealed and directed several letters he felt calmer, but still terribly depressed.

"How kind of you to think of such things!" said Diana gratefully. "And tell me why should I not think of such things? Do you imagine that it is not a pleasure to me to wait upon your father for your sake?" There was some amount of awkwardness in this kind of thing. Diana busied herself with the removal of her hat and jacket, which she laid neatly upon a stony-hearted horsehair sofa.

"Then they WILL scourge thee, the stony-hearted wretches! But oh, thou must not weep, I cannot bear it. Keep up thy courage I shall come to my own in time to save thee from this bitter thing, and I will do it!" When the King awoke in the morning, the women were gone. "They are saved!" he said, joyfully; then added, despondently, "but woe is me! for they were my comforters."

To do him justice, the man, so stony-hearted to others, loved and cherished his own person with exquisite tenderness, lavished upon it delicate attentions, and gave to it the very best he could afford. He was no coarse debauchee, smelling of bad cigars and ardent spirits. Had his soul been a tenth part as clean as the form that belied it, Jasper Losely had been a saint!

And then he roamed round the squares and about the little courts, and found out where were Stone Buildings, so called because they are so dull and dead and stony-hearted; and as his courage increased he made his way into one of the courts, and stood up for a while on an uncomfortable narrow step, so that he might watch the proceedings as they went on, and it all seemed to him to be dull and deadly.

"And what of mine? Was it not for you, stony-hearted girl? Is it not your happiness I seek? If I have been mistaken in my hopes for you, is that a reason for turning upon me like a serpent!" Karen had walked to the long window that opened to the verandah and looked out, pressing her forehead to the pane. "You must forgive me if I was unkind. What you said burned me."