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View of Tramway Company's Esplanade Junction before shelter was built Grand Hotel The five houses in Chowringhee that formed the nucleus of the Grand Hotel W. Leslie & Co.'s premises, Chowringhee W. Leslie & Co.'s premises, Chowringhee Esplanade Mansions, built by Mr. Ezra on the site of Scott Thomson's Corner Thacker, Spink & Co.'s new premises, completed in 1916

"Ham Spink wouldn't stop short of taking everything." "Exactly my idea of it," answered Giant. "Whoever it was had a queer idea of what to take," said the doctor's son slowly. "A shirt, a belt, one sock, a camera and a gun. Why in the name of goodness did he take one sock and not the other?" "He certainly threw things around pretty well," said Giant.

"Come on, Ham," said Carl in a low voice. "What is the use of talking to them at all? Let us get back to our own camp, and let them take care of themselves." "All right, if you say so," answered Ham Spink, and turning on his heel he walked back the way he had come, with his crony beside him. "Now, what brought those chaps here?" demanded Snap as soon as their enemies were out of hearing.

I want to tell Deacon Henzy and Brother Bobbett about it; they crowed over me quite a little after they went to Loontown to see them views of the spink and the Pyramaid of Chops. You know I wuz bed-sick at the time with a crick in my back. I guess they'll have to quirl down a little when I tell 'em I've walked round the spink and seen old Chops with my own eyes."

"Humph! perhaps I'd do a little eating myself," came from the doctor's son. It was an ideal day in midsummer, and all of the lads were in the best of spirits. As they rowed along they discussed the encounter with the Spink faction. "I wish they'd leave us alone," was Shep's comment. "I am getting so I fairly hate the sight of Ham and Carl Dudder." "So do I," added Whopper.

He and Minnie and his uncle had frequent discussions in regard to it, but to little purpose; for although Swankie and Spink had discovered old Mr Brand's body on the Bell Rock, it did not follow that any jewels or money they had found there were necessarily his.

On the night in question, Big Swankie and a likeminded companion, who went among his comrades by the name of the Badger, had planned to commit a burglary in the town, and it chanced that the former was about that business when Captain Ogilvy unexpectedly ran against him and Davy Spink.

"Maybe it's Sanborn with the circus folks," said Whopper. "Oh, what shall I do?" asked Tommy in alarm. "I don't want them to see me." "It's the Spink crowd!" cried Giant. "Say, something must be wrong! Look how excited they are!" "We ought to shoot 'em -that's what we ought to do!" they heard Carl Dudder say loudly.

Now it must be understood that such an act is as grave an offence of the sea as blasphemy is of the Church. It was Margaret who came to where I was stationed by the jiggermast and told me what had occurred; and it was she who took my rifle and relieved me so that I could go aft. There was the offensive spot, and there was Tom Spink, his cheek bulging with a quid.

Hey! watches and rings come, we're in luck this mornin'." "We!" exclaimed Swankie, somewhat sternly, "you didn't find that case." "Na, lad, but we've aye divided, an' I dinna see what for we should change our plan noo." "We've nae paction to that effec' the case o' kickshaws is mine," retorted Swankie. "Half o't," suggested Spink.