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Comfort might find it sort of soothin' and distractin'," meant more real unselfish thought and kindly feeling than all the conservatory exotics and new novels which the rich girl's whim supplied from her overflowing store. I was surprised only that the whim lasted so long. Behind all this, I think, and confirming my feeling, was the fact that Miss Colton did not repeat her call.

"You ain't got no ager," said Uncle Jim, with the assurance of intimate cognizance of his partner's physical condition. "But it's a pow'ful preventive! Quinine! Saw this box at Riley's store, and laid out a quarter on it. We kin keep it here, comfortable, for evenings. It's mighty soothin' arter a man's done a hard day's work on the river-bar. Take one."

"Yes," said Dolf, fearing she would go off in a long digression and lose sight of the all-important topic, "dey is refreshin'; as preserves is to de taste so is meetin's to de spirit soothin', yer know." "Jis' so," said Clorinda. "Wal, yer was comin' home," suggested Dolf. "Yes; two or tree on 'em came with me to de gate and dar dey left me.

And the baby seemed to know that it lay ag'in' a lovin' heart, for, when it heerd the ol' man's kind voice 'nd saw his smilin' face 'nd felt the soothin' rockin' uv his arms, the baby stopped its grievin' 'nd cryin', 'nd cuddled up close to the colonel's breast, 'nd begun to coo 'nd laff. The colonel called the nigger.

Oh! the soothin' gooley-woo of windin' yourself up in a bright-colored sunset and lyin' down to peaceful dreams! I sleep too hard to remember about the angels' wings. "I spoke so earnest he swallowed me whole. Scraggs?

Anyhow, I was there nigh on to two hours. It's mighty soothin', them fashionable calls; sorter knocks the old camp dust outer a fellow, and sets him up again." It would have been well if the new life of the Devil's Ford had shown no other irregularity than the harmless eccentricities of its original locaters.

He stopped at the post office and spoke to Postmaster Pratt. "Call to mind my speakin' of soothin' syrup and Jed Lewis and his wife?" he asked. "Seems like I mind it, Scattergood." "Jest walk past their house, Postmaster.

His barn burnt down two nights afore the volyume containin' the letter B arrived, and Leander needed all his chink to pay f'r lumber, but Higgins sot back on that affidavit and defied the life out uv him. "Never mind, Leander," sez his wife, soothin' like, "it's a good book to have in the house, anyhow, now that we've got a baby." "That's so," sez Leander, "babies does begin with B, don't it?"

"And what wad he be wantin' there, now?" "He asked for 'something soothin'' and he appeared most terribly glad to get it. He did be takin' a good drink on the spot." "Puir man, I am sure he had need o't. He will maybe no be so very anxious aboot this lad Garland as his dochter!" "So I was thinking, but what garred ye be whistling in my lug that she was a Princess?

"Perhaps I had better say at the start," says he, "that some of our best men have been on this job for several weeks." "Nursin' it along, eh?" says I. That brings a smothered chuckle from Old Hickory. But Mr. McCrea don't seem so tickled over it. In fact, he develops a furrow between the eyes and his next remark ain't quite so soothin'.