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'Wa-all, never mind a-talkin' about it now, says Mirandy, settin' to quiet her, an' pettin' an' soothin' her in a way that I wouldn't a-believed of Mirandy if I hadn't a-seen it; for she hasn't had much to tetch the soft spot in her heart sence our leetle Sallie died, which is nigh onto eight year ago.

"Ellum be more " began Mary, then held her tongue upon that detail and approached another. "Shall us ask Mrs. Tregenza? Sorrer be gripping her heart just now, but a buryin's a soothin' circumstance to such as she. An' she could carry her son in the mind. Poor young Tom won't get no good words said above his dust; us can awnly think 'em for him."

Whether his intensely black countenance had the power of diffusing deeper darkness into the surrounding gloom, or whether it was the unexpected manner of his flight that deluded his pursuers, we are unable to say. Certain it is that although the two savages passed very closely to him, neither saw nor suspected his presence. "Gorra, but dat's soothin'," chuckled Zeb.

Napoleon, you and Cayuse go out and prepare his mind for work." "Aye, aye," said Napoleon rising to go, "but I wish we had some soothin' syrup, skipper." He and the Indian were heard to depart, by Beth, sitting back in her chair. She was greatly alarmed by all she had heard of vengeful convicts and the vicious horse, and could eat no more for nervous dread.

"Bo," said he at last, "I'm thinkin' th' kindest thing I could do would be t' slip one over t' your point while you wasn't lookin', an' puttin' you t' sleep a bit you want soothin'! Bud'll be too big fer you or any other guy t' tackle now; ye see, his stock's rose th' Noo Jersey p'lice wasn't strong enough t' hold him "

"I can't help it," says I. "I think a heap of that little old burg. It it's been mother and father to me all that sort of thing. I've hardly ever been away from it, you know, and I I " Here I smiles sad and makes a stab at swallowin' the lump. "What a goose!" says Vee, but pats me soothin' on the shoulder. "Come, let's do a few turns around the deck."

The nigger run back as fast as he could, 'nd told the young woman that she 'd have to keep that baby quiet because Colonel 'Lijy Gates, one uv the directors uv the road, wuz in the car 'nd wunt be disturbed. The young woman caught up the baby scart-like, 'nd talked soothin' to it, 'nd covered its little face with her shawl, 'nd done all them things thet women do to make babies go to sleep.

"Well," sez I, in a kind of a soothin' tone, "I'm real glad you've come, Arvilly; it will make the ship seem more like Jonesville, and I know what you have went through." "Well," sez she, "no other livin' woman duz unless it is you." She kep' on thinkin' of Josiah, but I waved off that idee; I meant her tribulations in the army.

And the "sir" was real soothin'. "It's all right," says I. "Guess I ain't disabled for life. Next time, though, I'll be particular to walk around." "But really," he goes on, "I I'm not here regularly. I was just trying to find a name a Mr. Robert Ellins." "Eh?" says I. "Lookin' for Mr. Robert, are you?" "Then you know him?" he asks eager. "Ought to," says I. "He's my boss.

Then I remembered that a grizzly don't run his best when he goes up hill on a slant, so on the slant I went. It worked, I reckon, fer though I couldn't say I gained on him much, it was soothin' to observe that he didn't seem to gain on me.