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Updated: August 25, 2024

Ivry time I read iv th' desthructive power iv modhern explosives col' chills chase each other up an' down me spine." "What's this here stuff they calls lyddite?" Mr. Hennessy asked. "Well, 'tis th' divvle's own med'cine," said Mr. Dooley. "Compared with lyddite joynt powdher is Mrs. Winslow's soothin' surup, an' ye cud lave th' childher play base-ball with a can iv dinnymite.

Bud squirmed in his chair at his chance to show the sincerity that he knew was required of him. "Tell you the truth, Miss Ileen," he said, earnestly, "you ain't got much more voice than a weasel just a little squeak, you know. Of course, we all like to hear you sing, for it's kind of sweet and soothin' after all, and you look most as mighty well sittin' on the piano-stool as you do faced around.

"The pipe is very soothin' to one's faalings after sevare labor, as me brother's wife used to say after whacking a few hours wid her broomstick what is your opinion upon the same, Mr. Shasta?" The Indian nodded his head and murmured some unintelligible reply.

It was mighty soothin' and comfortin' to feel that whatever might happen now, I always knew just whar Abner was passin' his nights." Poor slim Mrs. Wade had no disquieting sense of humor to interfere with her reception of this large truth, and she accepted it with a burst of reminiscent tears.

That's all; but them big eyes of Helma's don't miss it. "You you don't believe he took the money, do you?" says she, wistful and pleadin'. At which Vee reaches over and pats her soothin' on the hand. "I don't believe a word of it," says she. "He's a good Daddums," goes on Helma, spreadin' the last of the marmalade on a buttered muffin.

Twitt an' me, we felt as if we could 'a served the Lord faithful to the end of the world! An' we 'ardly ever feels like that in Church. In Church they reads the words so sing-songy like, that, bein' tired, we goes to sleep wi' the soothin' drawl. But Mr.

A dose of somethin' 'u'd cure 'em, if only a feller could figger out what 'twas." "Might try soothin' syrup," said the deacon, with an ironic grin. "Sounds like it ought to git results.... Soothin' syrup eh? Have to tell the boys that one. Soothin' syrup. Perty good f'r an old man. Don't call to mind makin' no joke like that f'r twenty year." "Do it often, Deacon," said Scattergood, gravely.

Mind you, he didn't open his eyes; just sat there, covered with carmine and soothin' syrup, rockin' backward and forrard and sneezin' like George Washington. There was somethin' kind of horrible about it. Me 'n' Hadds looked on petrified. "Then, 'Oh, my poor husband! What are they doin' to you? says a v'ice behind us, and the Majoress skipped across the floor and fell on the Major.

And, say, we must have been a great pair, sittin' side by side in the armchairs, puttin' away sweitzer sandwiches and mugs of chickory blend; him in his tall lid, and with his quiet, old timy manners, and me well, I guess you get the tableau. I used to like hearin' him talk, he uses such a soothin', genteel brand of conversation; nothing fancy, you know, but plain, straightaway goods.

"Why it's only Torchy, from Papa's office," says Marjorie. "And oh, Mildred! He is the very one to help us! You will now, won't you, Torchy? Come, that's a dear!" "Please do, Torchy!" says Mildred, snugglin' up on the other side and pattin' my red hair soothin'. "Ah, say, reverse English on the tootsy business!" says I. "This ain't any heart-throb matinee. G'wan!"

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