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I'm delighted!" he said with a warmth that brought a slight colour into Berkley's face. "That's nice of you, Stephen. It solves the immediate problem of how to go there." "Go where?" "Why where all our bright young men are going, old fellow," said Berkley, laughing. "I can go with a regiment or I can go alone. But I really must be starting." "You mean to enlist?"

Anxiously now does the whole ship's company lean upon the weather-rail and peer out into the thick air with an earnestness born of terror. "Surely," says the master to his mate, "I am past the Magdalens, and still far from Anticosti, yet we have breakers; which way can we turn?" The riddle solves itself; for out of the gloom come whitened walls, beautiful but terrible to behold.

Vedanta solves this difficulty by saying that each of these germ-plasms or germ-cells is nothing but the subtle form of a reincarnating individual, containing potentially all the experiences, characters, tendencies, and desires which one had in one's previous life. It existed before the birth of the body and it will continue after the death of the body.

It is his tendencies, his quality, that are valuable, and only in a minor, incipient degree his actual results. All human results must be strictly limited, and according to the epoch and outlook. Emerson does not solve for all time the problem of the universe; he solves nothing; but he does what is far more useful he gives a direction and an impetus to lofty human endeavor.

"Yes," he said in the tone of one who solves a puzzling problem, "I believe you do." She looked away, shaking with passion. "You just better believe it." "But," he went on quietly, "you don't hate your father, too, do you, Miss Graham?" She swung back to meet his stare with one that flamed with indignation. "What do you mean by that, Mr. Duncan?"

She labored as sincerely in the temperance movement, until convinced that woman's moral power amounted to little as a civil agent, until backed by ballot and coined into State law. She still never loses an occasion to defend co-education and prohibition, and solves every difficulty with the refrain, "woman suffrage," as persistent as the "never more" of Poe's raven. SUSAN B. ANTHONY Continued.

Häckel's labors rendered still greater service to the Darwinian theory by dividing the organic world into three kingdoms: the protista kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the animal kingdom, a division which solves in a most simple way the difficulty that was felt more and more of securing for the lowest organisms a place among the animals or plants.

No man has ever succeeded in making a clock satisfactory alike to the vulgar and to the connoisseur, and this one, sir, solves the difficulty." "This is for yourself, monsieur," said Hortense, giving six gold pieces to the dealer. "Never breath a word of this visit to any one living," said the artist to his friend, at the door.

Perhaps, if they had recognized and studied the constitution which preceded that drawn up by the Convention of 1787, and which is intrinsic, inherent in the republic itself, they would have seen that it solves the problem, and asserts national unity without consolidation, and the rights of the several States without danger of disintegration.

F.O.J. Smith to secure contract for trenching. Morse not satisfied with contract. Death of Washington Allston. Reports to Secretary of the Treasury. Prophesies Atlantic cable. Failure of underground wires. Carelessness of Fisher. F.O.J. Smith shows cloven hoof. Ezra Cornell solves a difficult problem. Cornell's plan for insulation endorsed by Professor Henry. Many discouragements.