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He answered, snappishly, that "he had received no orders to surrender;" when General Churchill said: "You see, sir, that we are in their power, and you may surrender." Deshler turned to his staff-officers and ordered them to repeat the command to "stack arms," etc., to the colonels of his brigade. I was on my horse, and he was on foot.

She looked over the valley to the light in the kitchen of the Wright farmhouse, and pictured Peter sitting there, lonely and uncared for, with naught but the cold comfort of his own providing. "Well, he should have got married," she said snappishly. "I am not going to worry because he is a lonely old bachelor when all these years I have supposed him a comfy Benedict.

Jennie was the first to speak, and she stepped behind the high car in order to catch sight of what had caused Ruth's exclamation. Instantly the plump girl emitted a most unseemly shout: "Oh! Oh! Look at the bull!" "What is the matter with you, Heavy?" demanded Mercy snappishly.

"Let me tell you, Miss, you will have to," cried Cora, more snappishly than ever. "I do not see why." "Let me tell you Grace Montgomery is the most influential and popular girl in our class. You'll find that out if you continue to offend her." "I don't see how I have offended her; nor do I see how I can pacify her if she is angry with me," returned Nancy, doggedly.

Whitehead," said I for that was her name, though she said she did not deserve it; and her hair confirmed her in that position by growing darker from year to year "Madam, allow me to beg you to vary your diet a little at this sad time." "I varies it every day, Mr. Bistre," she answered somewhat snappishly. "The days of the week is not so many but what they all come round again."

It's laid in Italy...time of Pius the something. He comes in say, but he's great! so darned crafty. It's him, you know, that persuades this Franciscan..." "Pause," I said, "what Franciscan?" "Fra Fraliccolo, of course," Sinclair said snappishly. "You see, Pio tries to..." "Whoa!" I said, "who is Pio?" "Oh, hang it all, Pio is Italian, it's short for Pius.

At this unearthly hour of the morning it is very often difficult to disentangle the two." "It is neither," said Colonel Musgrave, and almost snappishly. Followed an interval of silence. "Really," said Mrs. Pendomer, and as with sympathy, "one would think you had at last been confronted with one of your thirty-seven pasts or is it thirty-eight, Rudolph?"

The gleam in his eye seemed to say: "I've got you two unprincipled subscription hunters beautifully treed and it's treed you're going to stay. That is what I call satisfying." I reported the state of the case to Melissa. "What shall we do?" I asked. "Do?" said Melissa, snappishly. "Why, stay here till Isaac Appleby comes out and takes that brute away? What else can we do?"

"You will excuse me," said the gentleman contemptuously, "if I am too much in advance of common humanity to trouble myself at all about it. I have passed the night as indeed I pass the whole of my time now in spiritual intercourse." "O!" said I, somewhat snappishly.

I know of an instance where a shopkeeper tossed a coin back to an American lady with the remark, snappishly uttered, 'We don't take French money here. And I know of a case where an English lady said to one of these shopkeepers, 'Don't you think you ask too much for this article? and he replied with the question, 'Do you think you are obliged to buy it? However, these people are not impolite to Russians or Germans.