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Updated: August 17, 2024

I waited some little time, but without hearing any repetition of the sound, so I came below, more shaken than I have ever been in my life before. As I came down the companion I met Mr. Milne coming up to relieve the watch. "Weel, Doctor," he said, "maybe that's auld wives' clavers tae? Did ye no hear it skirling? Maybe that's a supersteetion? What d'ye think o't noo?"

They had scarcely got away from the shore when the sounds of the pipes was wafted to them from the hillside above, and it was the "Lament of Mackrimmon" that followed them out to sea: Mackrimmon shall no more return, Oh never, never more return! That was the wild and ominous air that was skirling up on the hillside; and Mackenzie's face, as he heard it, grew wroth.

Tommy saw the commotion as vividly as if the searchers were already out and he in a tree looking down at them; but in a second he also heard Elspeth skirling, and down he flung himself from the tree, crying, "I'm here, Elspeth, dinna greet; oh, what a brute I've been!" No, he could not leave Elspeth, how wicked of Grizel to expect it of him; she was a bad one, Grizel.

"In the year you refer to, Mr. Macgregor, I was getting skelped in the parish school," said I. "So young!" cries he. "Ah, then, you will never be able to think what this meeting is to me. In the hour of my adversity, and here in the house of my enemy, to meet in with the blood of an old brother-in-arms it heartens me, Mr. Balfour, like the skirling of the Highland pipes!

The shot brought a policeman lumbering heavily up from the street beyond, and the skirling of relief whistles shrilled on the night. But the man with a pistol had twisted out of Kent's grasp and was gone in a flash. "By Jove!" said Loring, breathing hard; "he wasn't as drunk as he seemed to be!" Kent drew down his cuffs and shook himself straight in his coat.

But I went with the clan in the year 'Forty-five. The men marched with swords and firelocks, and some of them in brigades in the same set of tartan; they were not backward at the marching, I can tell you. And there were gentlemen from the Low Country, with their tenants mounted and trumpets to sound, and there was a grand skirling of war-pipes.

A feckless loon of a Straven weaver, that has left his loom and his bein house to sit skirling on a cauld hill-side, had catched twa dragoon naigs, and he could neither gar them hup nor wind, sae he took a gowd noble for them baith I suld hae tried him wi' half the siller, but it's an unco ill place to get change in Ye'll find the siller's missing out o' Bothwell's purse."

And I ran and ran, skirling like a hare, and it behind me ran till I felt my heart beating in my throat, and ran through burn and briars and hedges till I ran into the barn and fell on the straw, and remembered no more." "And why," says I, "did you not run into your ain house?" "Are you not knowing that?" says Donald.

They lifted their rents, and spent them; called in their kain and ate them; gaed to the kirk of a Sunday; bowed civilly if folk took aff their bannets as they gaed by, and lookit as black as sin at them that keepit them on." "These are their arms that you have on the sign?" "What! on the painted board that is skirling and groaning at the door? Na, these are Mr.

With the afternoon came snow, round hard flakes like wee snowballs, dry and silent and all-pervading, and the hills were changed, and there came on the sea that queer mysterious snow light, and then the wind rose skirling, sweeping the uplands bare and filling the quiet hollows.

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