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When all was trim and taut we set a course for our own shores, following the Dolphin about three cables' lengths astern. 'Twas drawing towards sunset when she signalled to us that a sail was in sight.

"They're going to shoot an oil well over there," was the answer, "and it's so close to the track that they signalled us to stop." "Why didn't they wait until we got past?" asked Mr. DeVere who, with his daughters, had gone out to see what caused the delay. "Why, they had already lowered the charge of nitro-glycerine into the well," the brakeman explained, "and something has gone wrong.

That unformidable young person being only seventeen, of course looked upon him as a mere boy, and her chaffing manner was not at all to the Colonel's taste, whose attention was drawn to it by an expressive glance from Miss Prosody; so he telegraphed to his wife, who soon signalled her female following from the room.

After a time he signalled to the Hawaiian to work the crank, and then with a whir, a rumble, at last a clear bellow, the monster responded, trembled, turned its snout up the narrow road, and disappeared. Milly threw a kiss to her husband, who waved his hat in answer. He had saved the day, and she was proud of him.

Each player watched the other's actions with an alert and suspicious eye, and this want of confidence led directly to the boys' undoing; for presently Dick detected Jacker in an attempt to deceive, and signalled 'Down! with an emphatic gesture. 'Gerrout! was the word framed by the lips of the indignant Jacker.

When the approach of the enemy's ships was announced, the Prince-Admiral's flaghip signalled: "Weigh anchor! hoist top pennants! clear for action! follow in the Admiral's wake! cruiser division and torpedo-boats execute orders!" Keeping close under the coast of Walcheren, the German squadron, full steam up, advanced to meet the enemy.

When she returned, she was a little tired, and doubtful whether she would dance any more certainly not the next dance. So he resolved to lie in wait, and anticipate any new suitor who might appear. His eyes, however, happened to wander, in an unlucky moment, to old Lady Chelford, who instantaneously signalled to him with her fan.

On September twenty-eighth they entered the English Channel and were promptly signalled by a British warship, so they were obliged to lay to while a party of officers came aboard. The Arabella was flying the American flag and the Red Cross flag, but the English officer courteously but firmly persisted in searching the ship.

The time intervening between the "down" and "up" clicks tells the operator whether a long or a short dash or a dot is being signalled. Materials. A horseshoe magnet and armature taken from an electric bell provide the most essential parts of our home-made instrument in a cheap form. If these are available, expense will be limited to a few pence.

Andrews, "he's with ME." They entered the court and passed down an aisle to a railed enclosure in which were high oak chairs. Again, in his effort to follow, Mr. Thorndike was halted, but the first tipstaff came to his rescue. "All right," he signalled, "he's with Mr. Andrews." Mr. Andrews pointed to one of the oak chairs.