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He pulled a few swift strokes and the skiff glided up to the little landing-stage. He shipped the sculls, and held to the woodwork with one hand. "Will you get ashore, dear, and I'll tie up. There's no one here, you see."

He took up his sculls and rowed merrily, singing and whistling to keep time with their dash, the return to the old pleasure quite enough at first, the salt breeze, the dashing waves, the motion of the boat.

"Nothing much, thanks," he answered in that curious composed voice of his. "I think one of our friends made a luckier shot than he deserved to. It's only my left arm, though." I seized the sculls, and began to pull off quickly for the Betty. "We'll look at it in a second," I said. "Are they after you?" He laughed. "Yes, some little way after.

I feel like the girl in Marionettes Cynthia Paramount who said she didn't think any women ought to marry until she had been engaged at least six times." "That little beast!" Dick sat up suddenly and returned to his sculls. "Juliet, why did you read that book? I told you not to." Her smile deepened though her eyes were grave. She clasped her fingers about her knees. "My dear Dick, that's why.

It was a welcome proposal, and the boat being unmoored, Dexter took one of the sculls, and as they rowed slowly down with the tide he kept his eyes busy watching for the coming danger, but it did not appear. Bob went ashore at a place that looked like a ferry, where there was a little public-house, and this time returned with a small loaf, a piece of boiled bacon, and a bottle of cider.

Once or twice she only nodded when Dick spoke to her, and he, bending to his sculls, soon fell silent, content to watch her while the golden minutes passed. The lake was long and narrow, surrounded by woodland trees with coloured water-lilies floating here and there upon its surface a fairy spot, mysterious, green as emerald.

Either he does not care for boating at all, or, as a matter of course, he pulls stroke in the University Boat-race; and then takes the train on to Henley and wins the Diamond Sculls so easily that it hardly seems worth while for the other fellow to have started.

'By Jove! yes; but the fact is that you want a crew for that pottering inland work; they can smack the boys and keep an eye on the sculls. A boat like this should stick to the sea, or out-of-the-way places on the coast. Well, after Amsterdam. 'You've skipped a good deal, haven't you? I interrupted.

Ian is on the staircase now, in the punt, and out upon the flood with a stout rope fast to the stern and to the door-post. Panting from his recent exertions, and half-wild with the mingled excitement, danger, novelty, and fun of the thing, he draws two or three long breaths as he grasps the sculls and looks quickly round.

In any case old Angus and the knoll would be united! "Peegwish!" shouted Ian, turning on the unfortunate ex-brewer with a flushed face and blazing eyes that caused him to shrink in alarm, "can you sit still and do nothing?" "Eh?" exclaimed Peegwish, in surprise. "Bah!" said Ian, seizing the sculls.