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Updated: August 14, 2024

It had the usual scare-head, and began by announcing that the White Mail, with General Manager Blank's car Kaskaskia, came in on time, carrying signals for a freight train. The second section had not arrived, 'as we go to press. I think I swore softly at that point. Then I read on, for there was a lot more.

Her hand trembling so violently that she could scarcely make out the letters she glanced at the big scare-head, printed in red ink, to imitate blood, a merciful custom sensational newspapers have of making the most of the agony of others. For a moment she stood still, looking at the big type with open, staring eyes.

He negatived the Press Agent's suggestion to make a scare-head story of the escape for the papers, and suggested that they should go up and hear Madam Morelli's account of it. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, mending a rip which the jaguar's sharp claws had made in her gown, and she shrugged her shoulders when the Stranger inquired if she had been hurt. "It was nothing," she said laughing.

The people in his State went just wild with pride, and all over the country the papers had a sort of catch head-line: "Another Daniel Webster Come to Judgment!" When the reporters in my own town found out that Ransom was a second cousin of mine, I was put into a scare-head for the only time in my life.

"We won't discuss that," I rejoined. "Let us go to Gwen and get her to bed." This done, and the sufferer made easy for the night, I glanced at the article which had so upset her, and read its sensational "scare-head." The Assassin's Inability to Pay a Gambling Debt the Motive for the Crime. The Net so Completely Woven About the Alleged Assassin That it is Thought He Will Confess.

Across the front page extended a huge black scare-head: "NAVY'S MOST VITAL SECRET STOLEN." "Yes," I shrugged, "but you can't get me much excited by what the rewrite men on the Record say." "Why?" he asked, going directly into his own room. "Well," I replied, glancing through the text of the story, "the actual facts are practically the same as in the other papers.

Without a word he hurried up from the landing and sought us out. "What do you think of that?" he cried, opening a copy of the Record, and laying it flat on the library table. There on the front page was Lewis Langley's picture with a huge scare-head: MYSTERIOUS CASE OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION "It's all out," groaned Tom, as we bent over to read the account. "And such a story!"

Worn down by his persistency, I did, as a fact, admit in one obscure corner of the interview that Boston had certain English characteristics. The scare-head editor of the interviewing paper, looking through his man's copy for suitable prey, came across my admission. It was just what he wanted; it was what he was thirsting for.

Presley's Socialistic poem, "The Toilers," had an enormous success. The editor of the Sunday supplement of the San Francisco paper to which it was sent, printed it in Gothic type, with a scare-head title so decorative as to be almost illegible, and furthermore caused the poem to be illustrated by one of the paper's staff artists in a most impressive fashion.

Then the paper called up the health office, after setting up a flaming scare-head, "Will Money Free Them? Board of Health versus Millionaire." It was almost three when the house settled down nobody had any night clothes, although finally, through Dallas, who gave them to Anne, who gave them to the rest, we got some things of Jimmy's and I was still dressed.

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