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When Henry left Sabine's sitting-room, he staggered down the stairs like one blind the poignant anguish had returned, and the mantle of comfort fell from his shoulders. He was human, after all, and the picture of the rapture on the faces of the two, showing him what he had never obtained, stabbed him like a knife.

There remained Leonide de Chezelles and Steiner, an ugly little knot against which Mme Hugon's elderly and amiable serenity stood out in strange contrast. And Fauchery, having sketched out his article, named this last group "Countess Sabine's little clique." "On another occasion," continued Steiner in still lower tones, "Leonide got her tenor down to Montauban.

"What an exquisite place!" he exclaimed. "It reminds me of Arranstoun, does it not you, Henry? although that is not near the sea." The color deepened in Sabine's cheeks had she unconsciously made it resemble that place? She did not know, and the suggestion struck her with surprise. Michael had recognized her of course, she saw that, but he was a gentleman and intended to play the game.

He tried cards, but rose from the table in a quarter of an hour; he ordered dinner, but appetite was wanting; he went to the opera, but then he did nothing but yawn, and the music grated on his nerves. At length he returned home. The day had seemed interminable, and he could not sleep, for Sabine's face was ever before him.

They went on looking at each other and were happy. It was as though they had lost, and had just found each other again.... At last he broke the silence and said: "I am going away to-morrow." There was alarm in Sabine's eyes. "Going away?" she said. He added quickly: "Oh! only for two or three weeks." "Two or three weeks," she said in dismay.

Christophe was haunted by the expression of dumb rancor which he had once seen in Sabine's cold eyes. From such thoughts her suffering was not less: in vain did she struggle against them, and even deny them: she could not rid herself of them.

Calyste, however, wounded by the speech made to him about his wife, hesitated between his dignity as a husband, Sabine's defence, and a harsh word cast upon a heart which held such memories for him, a heart which he believed to be bleeding. The marquise observed his hesitation; she had made that speech expressly that she might know how far her empire over Calyste still extended.

She has not come out of her wing yet; but I know that she is dressed and in her sitting-room," and smiling merrily, she took Girolamo's little hand and went her way. There was no sound when the two men reached Sabine's sitting-room door. Henry knocked gently, but no answer came; so he opened it and looked in.

Never had the Sabine's crew worked harder than they did on this particular night to bring their vessel about and get her on her course again; but this time the skipper did not intend to make for the port to which his cargo was consigned.

Arranstoun, should begin to set the law in motion, to break the bond between them and his lawyer inquired what his wishes were upon the subject and what should be the nature of their reply? To get this at Héronac Sabine's house! He shook with fierce laughter in his bed. Then his temper got up, and he came to a fresh determination.