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Updated: August 9, 2024

There was, in the eyes, also a light that made Ted creepy. "S-s-say, wh-what do you want?" stammered Teall. "So you are a thief, and at work?" inquired the man, who had rested a thin but rather strong hand on Ted's shoulder. "A thief?" Teall repeated indignantly. "No, sir! And nothing like it, either." "Is all the clothing in there yours?" demanded the stranger sternly.

"And it's up to Max to s-s-say who goes out f-f-first." "Suppose, then, Steve and myself lead off, and make the first try," Max suggested. He had a double object in nominating Steve as his working partner on this occasion. In the first place he knew the impatient nature of the fiery lad, and that his heart was more set upon the finding of other pearls like unto the lost one than any of the others.

"But, s-s-say, wasn't it a c-c-cunning little b-b-beast," observed Toby, "and d-d-didn't he look real sassy when he m-m-marched off with his t-t-tail up over his s-s-shoulder?" Steve looked at him severely. "You'd better be mighty careful how you admire one of them striped critters at close quarters, Toby, if ever you meet one in the woods," he remarked.

But she danced away, ever managing to keep well beyond reach, until she disappeared within the narrow path leading to the cabin. He could see her through the vista of branches, pausing to look back and watch if he followed. "B-but you do," he called out, "I-I know you d-do. Won't yer just s-s-say it for me onct?" "Say dat I marry you?" "Y-yes, for it means ther same. Anyhow, s-say yer love me."

They get away from us here, but if eternity is as long as they s-s-say it is, I'll find D-D-Dave Corson if it t-t-takes the whole of it, and when I f-f-find him " he paused again, gasping and strangling.

"I s-s-should s-s-say yes," added Toby. "G-g-go mighty slow, boys, w-w-while our c-c-chum is in front." "Then don't you think of throwing that tomahawk, Toby, remember," cautioned Bandy-legs. "Shucks! you're only t-t-talking to hear yourself," grunted the other, in scorn. Meanwhile Max had advanced, torch in hand.

"What is that following us?" asked Bucks. "It's the fast mail," said Halkett. Guilford turned livid and caught at the hand-rail. "S-s-say are you sure of that?" he gasped. "Of course: it was an hour and thirty-five minutes late, and we are on its time." "Then we can't stop unless somebody throws us on a siding!" quavered the receiver, who had a small spirit in a large body.

Owen kept on. "I s-s-say exactly the same. So far as I k-know I haven't seen, h-handled or even s-smelled that little b-b-box since Max hid it in h-h-here. I'm completely f-f-f-f" whistle "flabbergasted at finding it gone." "And Steve, what about you?" Owen asked.

"As for me," ventured Bandy-legs, "I'm that wide awake I feel as if I never could go to sleep again while we're up here in the mountains, where such queer things keep on happening right along." "S-s-say, I'm s-s-sorry for Obed," ventured Toby, who it seems had heard the lament of the woods boy, and could sympathize with him.

"Wha' have I to s-s-say for 'shelf, Mistah C-Cour'-nay? Ha! ha! I has p-plenty to s-s-shay. Why, sah, I I I've g-got him, sah!" "Got who, you villain? Got who?" I reiterated. "Why why M-M- Mor the pirate!" blurted Peter, finding himself unable to successfully pronounce Morillo's name. "Do you mean to say that you have succeeded in obtaining news of Morillo, Peter?"

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