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Peggy's eyes twinkled. "I sleep," she said slowly, "and eat, and sleep a little more, and eat again, and talk a little bit, roll into bed, and fall fast asleep. Voila tout, ma chere! C'est ca que je fais tous les jours." Rosalind gave a shriek of laughter at Peggy's French, and Mellicent rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "How s-imply lovely!" she sighed. "I wish I were you!

"A blue paper is going up in the bedroom pale, pale blue, with loops of roses tied with lovers' knots s-imply sweet! ... Nothing but brown paper in the little room over the door nasty, common brown paper like you use for parcels. Hideous! What can they be thinking of?" and the girls would stare together through the windows, watching every movement of painters and paperers with breathless interest.

I ought to know best, for I've three separate hair-pins sticking into my scalp at the present moment. Jim took me to my first dance when he was at home for Christmas. It was s-imply lovely! I was awfully nervous, for I generally manage to make an idiot of myself if I get a chance; but I got on finely.

So sowwy not to have been to see you! Fwightfully busy, don't you know. We are decowating the wooms, and don't know how to finish in time. It's going to be quite charming!" "We know! We know! Rob told us. I'm dying to see it. You should ask Peggy to help you, if you are in a hurry. She's s-imply splendid at decorations!

All the frames would be alike, and they would be hung in rows in the Great Hall, so that future generations of pupils might be able to see what the girls were like, and feel more friendly towards them!" "Rhoda! What a h-eavenly idea!" cried Irene rapturously. "How s-imply lovely! Why in the world have we never thought of that before?"

"It's s-imply wondrous! He just pulls, and the thing meets as easy as winking. It doesn't seem a bit difficult. And to think how we almost killed ourselves! It's humiliating!" "Don't feel it so at all. If I am beaten at carpet-laying all my life, I'll never repine.

She would enjoy the experience of living in an hotel and house- hunting with us. You can write and ask her, dear, if you like," said Mrs Saville fondly; and Peggy clasped her hands together in one of the old ecstatic gestures. "How s-imply lovely! Mother dear, you are an admirable person.