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Manifestly Henderson had, in one way or other, been suspiciously concerned in the affair. He deponed that, on the night of August 4, Gowrie bade him and Andrew Ruthven ride early to Falkland with the Master, and return, if the Master ordered him so to do, with a message. At Falkland they went into a house, and the Master sent him to learn what the King was doing.

"And that you have been one of the sufferers from that gang of thieves Scotland Yard can't lay its hands on." Ruthven Smith was on the point of shrinking into himself, as was his wont if any personal topic of conversation came up, when it flashed into his mind that here was an opportunity. If he did not take it, so easy a one might not occur again. He braced himself for a supreme effort.

She had been Emma Cotton until she went on the stage twenty years ago, at sixteen; but she was the type of woman who admires and takes the name of Eve. And Mrs. Ruthven she had been as wife and widow after the theatrical career had been abandoned in disaster.

Ruthven, sick of a mortal illness, having risen from a bed of pain to come in answer to that summons, listened dourly to the frothing speeches of that silly, lovely boy. "No doubt you'll be right about yon fellow Davie," he agreed sombrely, and purposely he added things that must have outraged Darnley's every feeling as king and as husband.

"Does she want you to stay?" "Yes." "And Marion wants you to?" "Yes." "It is strange. But if I were you I wouldn't stay where I had no right to stay," went on St. John insinuatingly. "But I have a right here." "Indeed!" "Yes. The late Colonel Ruthven adopted me, and I am his son by law." "Bah! That will count for nothing if this Confederate surgeon can prove you belong to him."

She might have noticed the fine gold chain which her "pal's" wife wore always round her neck. She might have guessed that the ring with the blue diamond was hidden at the end of the chain; yet she could not know for certain, because Knight would never have told her that. Therefore it followed that neither could Ruthven Smith know for certain.

This enterprise achieved, Wallace, with a host of prisoners, turned his steps toward the Forth; but ere he left the banks of the Tay and Dee, he detached three thousand men under the command of Lord Ruthven, giving him a commission to range the country from the Carse of Gowrie to remotest Sutherland, and in all that tract reduce every town and castle which had admitted a Southron garrison.

"Have you seen has Mr Ruthven returned?" "Mr Ruthven has returned, and I have seen him, but I have not spoken with him. It was not his will and pleasure to say anything to-night about that which has been keeping me in such miserable suspense. He was engaged, forsooth, when a moment would have settled it. Well, it does not matter. I shall take the decision into my own hands."

"Clothes be bothered," Ruthven said. "I certainly shall end by punching your head, Frank, before the day's out." Frank remonstrated no more, but committed himself entirely to his friend's guidance. At the Mansion House they mounted on the roof of an omnibus going west, and at Knightsbridge got off and walked to Eaton Square, where Ruthven's father resided.

If the night was merry, the morning farewells were sad indeed, and long, long did they wait in vain for tidings of Allan Ruthven. "But where's the town?" The bairns were standing on the highest step of the meeting-house, gazing with eyes full of wonder and delight on the scene before them.