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Next day the old count called his son aside and, with an embarrassed smile, said to him: "But you know, my dear boy, it's a pity you got excited! Mitenka has told me all about it." "I knew," thought Nicholas, "that I should never understand anything in this crazy world." "You were angry that he had not entered those 700 rubles. But they were carried forward and you did not look at the other page."

Pacomius Borisovitch again interrupted. "We are only getting twenty rubles for the job. The whole gang will pledge their words of honor to that. Do you think we would lie to you and stain the honor of the gang for twenty measly rubles?" "That is business. That was well said. I love a good speech, and am always ready to respect it," remarked Sergei Antonitch approvingly.

I was going to call on you right along, but had no time. I am always cooking and selling, but will end my days a beggar, I guess, all the same. My needs get the best of me, confound them! They keep nibbling and nibbling like mice at a piece of cheese. No sooner do I manage to scrape together ten rubles or so, when along comes some heathen, and makes away with all my money. Yes.

PODKHALYÚZIN. Your toil! RISPOLÓZHENSKY. Well, whatever it may be for, just give me the money, or a note for it. PODKHALYÚZIN. What, sir! A note! Not much, you come again when you're a little older. RISPOLÓZHENSKY. Do you want to swindle me with my little children? PODKHALYÚZIN. Swindle, indeed! Here, take five rubles more, and go to the devil. RISPOLÓZHENSKY. No, wait!

It is indispensable, first of all, in my opinion, in order that something practical may come of this activity, that no society should be formed, that there should be no publicity, that there should be no collection of money by balls, bazaars or theatres; that there should be no announcement that Prince A. has contributed one thousand rubles, and the honorable citizen B. three thousand; that there shall be no collection, no calling to account, no writing up, most of all, no writing up, so that there may not be the least shadow of any institution, either governmental or philanthropic.

"I ought to tell you that I do not believe... do not believe in God," said Pierre, regretfully and with an effort, feeling it essential to speak the whole truth. The Mason looked intently at Pierre and smiled as a rich man with millions in hand might smile at a poor fellow who told him that he, poor man, had not the five rubles that would make him happy.

But if I am a good man, my goodness cannot pause at a twenty-kopek piece, nor at ten rubles, nor at ten thousand; it is impossible to be a little bit of a good man. But the cause of my action is not this: the cause is, that I want to be a good man, that is to say, I want to see myself in every other man.

All these people are within half an hour of reaching the place where, in order to provide a wealthy young man with three thousand rubles stolen from a whole community of famishing peasants, they may be forced to commit the most horrible acts one can conceive, to murder or torture, as was done in Orel, innocent beings, their brothers.

Yet, if it were so, one of the memoranda confronted me with a conflicting fact: "Dinner with Jean, 58 rubles." The unusual amount nearly fifty dollars indicated an act of the most reckless dissipation, and in company with a servant, if "Jean," as I could scarcely doubt, acted in that character. I finally decided to assume both these conjectures as true, and apply them to the remaining testimony.

Anybody else might come for something different, but I always come for money! PODKHALYÚZIN. You come mighty blamed often for money. RISPOLÓZHENSKY. How can I help it, Lázar Elizárych, when you give me only five rubles at a time? You see I have a family. PODKHALYÚZIN. You couldn't expect me to give you a hundred at a time!