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You have rowed down beside them all in a shell, or have had glimpses of them from the train, or sat under the awnings of the launch or regular packet and watched the procession go by. All very charming and interesting, and, if you had but forty-eight hours in which to see all England, a profitable way of spending eight of them.

Bunny and Sue, as soon as they had finished their breakfast, went down to the edge of the lake to play. They wanted to go for a row, and Mrs. Brown had said they could if Tom was along, so there was no trouble this time. Out on the water, where the sun was shining on the waves, Tom rowed the children.

Farther down it is deeper in the middle." "Where is the current down there?" asked Uncle Robert. "In the middle of the river," said Frank. "When we go in swimming we can wade out here a long ways before we go over our heads," said Donald. "I wish I could swim," said Susie. "You should learn," said Uncle Robert. "The boys could easily teach you." They rowed steadily up the river.

It was upon this very night that Falding the Englishman sat with other men in a London tavern, talking joyously. "There's been the luck of Heaven," he said, "in the whole exploit. We'd been prospecting for months. As a sort of try in a back-water we rowed over one night to an island and pitched tents.

I wonder if they all scream these ships that have lost their souls? Mine screamed. We heard her voice, like nothing I have ever heard before, when we rowed under her counter to read her name the Marionnette it was, of Halifax. I remember how it made me shiver, there in the full blaze of the sun, to hear her going on so, railing and screaming in that stark fashion.

What did he want at the wreck?" "I dunno dat, missus. He tole me to go away fer an hour or so. He went below in de wrack, out ob sight." "Perhaps he was after something belonging to the past. Did he bring anything away with him?" "I aint suah about dat, missus. When I rowed him ashore he had a tin box hidden away under his coat, but he might have had dat when I took him ober." "How large a box?"

He started off after that on a hard run for Bath Bay, where he jumped into a boat, and, pulling out into the greater bay, rowed with all his strength over to the village; but his inquiries there could gain no information, so he hired a small schooner-rigged boat and its owner to go out with him and hunt us up, or find some trace of our fate.

Now she swept a long, graceful curve westward and drew up about half a mile east of the rock. "Jove, I wish I'd a pair of good glasses," said Drummond. "They're lowering a boat." Jack showed more Highland excitement than Russian stolidity, as he watched the oncoming of a small boat, beautifully riding the waves, and masterfully rowed by sailors who understood the art.

When this amusement ceased to divert him, he announced his intention of going on the stage, of not going home till morning, and of being rowed down the river in the meantime. "But where will you get a boat at this time of night?" the Tenor objected. "You're not a man of much imagination," said the Boy, "or you wouldn't have asked such a question.

So thought Edgar Berrington one lovely morning, some months after the events related in the last chapter, as he was being rowed gently over the fair bosom of the China sea. The boat a large one with a little one towing astern was so far from the coast that no land could be seen.