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In France the word "comedy" is elastic and covers a multitude of sins: it includes the laughing Boule and the tearful Froufrou: in fact, the French Melpomene is a sort of Jeanne qui pleure et Jeanne qui rit. So it happens that Froufrou is a comedy. And indeed the first three acts are comedy of a very high order, full of wit and rich in character.

I felt sympathetic, and tried to appear so. But I was in the condition of "L'homme qui rit." The smallest effort to express an emotion tended to make me grimace horribly. She was so funny.

'Now, berhabs, said his employer, 'you think I am a vool to gif you a vife-bound node. But if you are not honest I shall be rit of you jeaply, and I shall know at vonce. Paul fired a little at this. 'If you don't think I am to be trusted you had better not employ me. 'That is all right, said Darco. 'I am Cheorge Dargo. I do things my own vay. Look here. Are you vond of imidading beobles?

This renunciation was always followed by a profession of faith in Christ, as it is now in the English liturgy. The last interrogation and answer "Vis baptizari, Volo" have long been used in the west. Eccl. rit. tom.

So below: parva scuta, etc. The small shield and broad sword of the Highlanders. Donec cohortatus est. Cf. note, G. 37: affectavere. Batavorum cohortes. Al. tres cohortes. But the number is not specified in the best MSS. In the Histories, eight cohorts of Batavians are often mentioned as constituting the auxiliaries of the 14th legion, which was now in Britain. See Rit. in loc. Ad mucrones.

Whereupon out of fear King Shahryar said to King Shah Zaman, "O my brother, do thou what she biddeth thee do;" but he replied, "I will not do it till thou do it before I do." And they began disputing about futtering her. Then quoth she to the twain, "How is it I see you disputing and demurring; if ye do not come forward like men and do the deed of kind ye two, I will arouse upon you the If rit."

I never gave him food or drink, I sent him a tiny baby from Berlin to X province by post, and all that, I admit it.... 'You gave me neither food nor drink, and sent me by post, he says, 'and what's more you've robbed me here." " But you unhappy boy, I cried to him, 'my heart has been aching for you all my life; though I did send you by post. Il rit." "But I admit it.

Quae nationes. And what tribes, etc.; quae for quaeque by asyndeton, or perhaps, as Rit. suggests, by mistake of the copyist. Commigraverint. Subj. of the indirect question. Gr. 265, Z. 552. German critics have expended much labor and research, in defining the locality of the several German tribes with which the remainder of the Treatise is occupied.

Cette vieillesse la, ressemblance du soir avec l'aurore." VICTOR HUGO: L'homme qui rit. Mrs. Garth, hearing Caleb enter the passage about tea-time, opened the parlor-door and said, "There you are, Caleb. Have you had your dinner?" "Oh yes, a good dinner cold mutton and I don't know what. Where is Mary?" "In the garden with Letty, I think." "Fred is not come yet?" "No.

When I had got to the end of the third act the Count de B- entered, with my passport in his hand. Monsieur le Duc de C-, said the Count, is as good a prophet, I dare say, as he is a statesman. Un homme qui rit, said the Duke, ne sera jamais dangereux. Had it been for any one but the king's jester, added the Count, I could not have got it these two hours.