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All the same, when the other sprang up and would have passed into the cottage, Hamon declined to move, and when Martel persisted, he struck at him with his fist, and it looked as though the fight were to be renewed. "He makes Clameur, George," said Philip Tanquerel remonstratively. "He may make fifty Clameurs for me. Let him go to the Sénéchal and the Greffier and lay the matter before them.

If you go for to spend a thousand pounds a day, now, it'll just last ten days. If you spend a thousand pounds a year, it'll last ten years. If you spend a thousand pounds in ten years, it'll last a hundred years d'ye see? It all depends on the spendin'. But, then, Mrs Gaff," said the skipper remonstratively, "you mustn't go for to live on the principal, you know."

"Please, Miss," said the maid, returning from a little side-room, "there isn't a spot clean enough to put your things on. The beds are no better than the chairs and tables." "Oh you dirty thing!" said Flora, seating herself on her father's knee, and gazing remonstratively into his face. A quiet smile played on the dark visage of the elder McLeod as he kissed her, and said:

Moreover, another goods train that had quietly, but impatiently, been biding its time in a siding, thought it would try to take advantage of this opportunity, and gave an impatient whistle. Sam opened one of his sliding windows and looked out. "Couldn't you let me shunt over a truck t'other side now, Sam?" asked its driver remonstratively.

"I can soon tell 'ee that," said the seaman, turning slowly on his couch. "Lie still, now, you must not move," said Sam, remonstratively. "But that not movin', doctor, is wuss than downright pain, by a long way. Hows'ever, I s'pose I must obey orders anyhow you've got the whip hand o' me just now. Well, as I was sayin', the yarn ain't a long 'un.

You had no right, my dear boy, to bring that child away from her home in such a hurry." "But," said I remonstratively, "her home at the time I carried her off was destroyed indeed, most of the village was a smoking ruin, and liable at any moment to be replundered by the irregular troops of both sides, while Ivanka's parents were reported dead what could I do?"

"Oh, Mrs Merton!" exclaimed Mrs Brook remonstratively. Mrs Merton tried again more carefully, and hit the mark, but still without success. "It won't go in!" she gasped, as, on opening her eyes a second time, she found only a few drops of blood trickling from a mere scratch in the sheep's neck; "I I can't do it!"

"A two-pounder!" gasped Donald, unable to restrain his excitable spirit, as he half rose. Junkie had him by the throat in a moment, and crammed his ragged head down among the heather. "Tonal'!" he whispered remonstratively. "I forgot," whispered Donald, when the strong little hands relaxed. "I'll not do't again."

He don't throuble his hid to tell much to any wan; an', sure, wasn't the doctor slaapin' whin he returned aboord i' the night, an' wasn't I nursin' of 'im, and d'ee think any wan could git at 'im widout my lave?" Otto thought that certainly no one could easily accomplish that feat, and was about to say so, when Dr Marsh said remonstratively

"Come now, Jake," said the trooper sternly, "you know it's all up with you, so you needn't go talkin' bosh like that more need to say your prayers. Stand back and shut the window, I say, else I'll put a bullet through your gizzard." "Well now, Silas," said Jake, remonstratively, and opening the breast of his red shirt as he spoke, "I didn't expect that of an old friend like you indeed I didn't.