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"It may be foolish, mother, but I cannot help it," said Marion, blushing deeply; for she was very modest as well as simple. "May, dear, I wonder that you can make such an admission!" said the mother remonstratively.

P'raps it's wild-boar, for I've seed no end o' them critters in the market. Maybe it's lion, for they do says there's lots o' the king o' beasts in the mountains hereabouts, though I can't say I've heerd 'em roar yet. Hows'ever, wotever it is, here it is, so go ahead. Hallo!" exclaimed Flaggan remonstratively, as he cast a glance at the sleeping man beside him, "you've begun without the ould man.

"Haul up the raft and let this man get aboard of it," said the captain, coolly but sternly, to the seaman who held the rope. "You've no occasion to be so sharp, sir," said John, remonstratively. "If you wos to tell me to cut my own throat, you know, I could scarce be expected for to do it without puttin' a few questions as to the reason why. You're a trader, I suppose?"

From the profoundest depths of his person it seemed to burst, and how his nose sustained the strain without splitting has remained one of the mysteries of the Nor'-West unto this day. It acted like an electric shock on Elspie, who sat bolt upright at once with a scared look that was quite in keeping with her tousled hair. "Oh! daddy, what a fright you gave me!" Elspie said, remonstratively.

"We have our orders, Hadji Baba," said he, remonstratively, "and you know that it is as much as our lives are worth to fail in our obedience." "I bid you not to fail in the performance of your duty, but I counsel you to lay on lightly," returned the jester, with a grim smile.

"Hallo! father," cried George remonstratively, rubbing the assaulted limb; "really, you know, if you come it in this way often, you will alienate my affections, I fear." "My dear boy! what? where? Why, I was dreaming!" Of course he was, and the result of his dream was that everybody in the room started up in surprise and excitement. Thereafter they sat down in a gay and very talkative humour.

"It matters nothing to me," said Mr Stuart sternly, "whether she be a boy or a girl, I mean to send her to the workhouse." "Workhouse, brother!" exclaimed Miss Peppy in surprise. "Workhouse, sir!" echoed Mrs Niven in horror. "Father!" said Kenneth, remonstratively. "Mrs Niven," said Mr Stuart, breaking the seal of the letter very slowly, "you may leave the room.

I could tear him limb from limb, and put the bits in the fire so that they could never come together again!" "My dear child," returned Beniah remonstratively, while she paused with flashing eyes and parted lips, as though she had not yet given vent to half her wrath, "whatever other folk may say or think of you, you are good enough in my esteem, but it is wrong to give way thus to wrath.

"But, Monsieur Carré," cried the small girl remonstratively, "it would never have come in if Phil had not gone for it. It would have got smashed in the Gouliot or gone right past and been lost. And, besides, I do so want it." "All the same, little one, the Seigneur's rights must be respected. You'd better go and tell him about it and ask him "

"What, not even a box of paper collars?" asked Benjy. "Not one, my boy, but you may take a strait-waistcoat in your box if you choose, for you'll be sure to need it." "Oh! father," returned the boy, remonstratively, "you are severe. However, I will take one, if you agree to leave your woollen comforter behind. You won't need that, you see, as long as I am with you."