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I wouldn't change it for a golden sov, to every page." As he spoke, footsteps were heard approaching the door. With a startled air Molloy thrust the book into its place and sprang up. "See there, now!" he said remonstratively, "who'd ever ha' thowt that I'd come to jerk about like that?"

You make one of your three boys dive into a clear pool, go to the bottom, and then, turning on his back, look up and wink and laugh at the other two." "No, no, not 'laugh," said I, remonstratively. "Well, then, you make him smile." "Ah, that is true, but there is a vast difference between laughing and smiling under water.

While Otto gazed in silent wonder and admiration, he was surprised to hear Dominick give vent to a sigh, and shake his head. "Dom!" he said, remonstratively, "what do you mean by that?" "I mean that the place is such a paradise that the emigrants won't want to leave it, and that will interfere with a little plan which had begun to form itself in my brain of late.

"Know it, my sweet lump of charcoal; I'd know it among a thousand, if ye'd only use it in its own pretty natural tones; but, if you will go and screech like a bottle-imp, you know," said Corrie, remonstratively, "how can you expect a stupid feller like me to recognise it?"

Immeasurable was the astonishment of the Highlander when the gentlemen refused a dram. "But but, ye'll catch yer death o' cauld, if ye don't!" he said, remonstratively, as he stood bottle and glass in hand. "Thanks, friend," replied Jackman, "but we have taken in so much salt water during our swim to land that we are not sure whether the whisky would agree with it."

French and Irish yawns are very similar, the only difference being, that whereas the Frenchman finishes the yawn resignedly, and springs to his legs, the Irishman finishes it with an energetic gasp, as if he were hurling it remonstratively into the face of Fate, turns round again and shuts his eyes doggedly a piece of bravado which he knows is useless and of very short duration.

"Not'ing more bot tree imuttics, an' small drop ludnum," said Mafuta. "Three emetics," said Tom, "and some laudanum; come, I'll try these. Mix the whole of 'em in a can, and be quick, like a good fellow; I'll have one good jorum whatever happens." "Bot yous vil bost," said Mafuta remonstratively. "No fear. Do as I bid you." The Caffre obeyed, and Tom swallowed the potion.

"That's the way the young ones risk their lives," said the captain, shaking his head remonstratively; "if that young fellow had missed the kibble he would have been dashed to pieces at the bottom of the shaft."